Search Houghton Regis Notes

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Clearing Rubbish From the Ward - Very Enjoyable!

Spent much of the day helping other volunteers to fill some 15 sacks of rubbish - mainly crisp packets, plastic bottles and fizzy drink cans - and we removed sundry larger items from an area of our Parkside ward in Houghton Regis. Apart from the fact I've scratched my hand, and been stung by nettles, I quite enjoyed doing it.

The project was lead by Parkside ward Town Councillors, Peter Carrington and myself, as part of the HOUGHTON REGIS TOWN COUNCIL VISION 2011 – 2015, part of which is to enhance public places by facilitating community litter picks. 

The approximate area cleared was Brentwood Close, and Enfield Close, including a community garden by Sundon Road crossing, which had fallen into a dreadful state.

Now, if we can just start getting a few more volunteers to come forward. 

You know what they say, from little acorns grow large trees. So now I wait to hear from the townsfolk if there is an area of town they'd like to volunteer to help clear up.

EARLIER - 12 April 2013

In Houghton Regis, Parkside town councillors are planning to lead a community litter picking session, next Tuesday. Depending on how successful this is, further community litter picking will be organised. Meeting in Brentwood Close from 11am to 3pm. 

Litter picking sticks will be available, if anyone has their own, fine. Helpers might also wear gardening gloves.

There's a lot of litter around. It's as good a place as any to make a start. Let's hope this generates a bit of pride in the area.

Monday 8 April 2013

Proposed Temporary Road Closure- High Street, Houghton Regis

High Street, Houghton Regis

There is a Temporary Road Closure proposal at the above location to enable resurfacing works to be carried out in safety. Details are listed in the schedule below and having assessed the application the Streetworks Co-ordinator for Bedfordshire Highways is satisfied the request is justified.

An alternative route for this closure has been devised as below. The restrictions are to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover a four-month period. Access may be allowed from time to time according to local signing.

If you have any observations you wish to make could you please let me know as soon as possible so that I can pass them on for you.

Closure Dates

The closure is expected to take place for 8 Nights from

  • 8th to 10th May 2013 and 

  • 13th May to 17th May 2013

between the hours of 21:00hrs and 07:00hrs. Access may be allowed from time to time according to local signing.

Alternative Route

Proceed along the High Street in an Easterly direction continuing on to East End. At roundabout take 3rd exit on to Park Road North. At first roundabout take second exit and continue along Park Road North. At second roundabout take second exit on to Poynters Road and continue to A505 roundabout, take third exit on to A505 and continue to A5 Junction. At crossroads turn right and continue along A5 to Houghton Road junction. At Traffic Lights turn right on to Houghton Road and continue on to site and vice versa.

NB. The applicant will be responsible for taking down all Central Bedfordshire Council public notices immediately after the works requiring the Order have been completed.

Cllr Alan D Winter

Bedfordshire Highways Representative, Houghton Regis Town Council

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Rubbish Strewn Everywhere : Is this how you treat your house?

This is how modern Hougton Regis rolls. Never mind that it's HR. It could be anywhere in this country. Took this image and reported for clearing up two days ago. So sad.

There's even a dumped carpet behind the bush, centre.
You could walk down that path all the way into Luton and it is strewn with litter. Had a call from Amey this morning. They were going to take a look. Thanks guys. 

But really, I was brought up to treat the outdoors like I treat my house; I guess some folk's houses leave a lot to be desired.