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Wednesday 23 July 2014

Parkside, Houghton Regis - Tree Issues (Various dates)

Public, Councillors, and Developers: Think! Before You Plant!


Only this last week I was contacted by a householder in Parkside, Houghton Regis, upset at the lack of light to their home because years ago a tree was planted too close to a home. This tree will be dealt with eventually by CBC, but at the moment not during the next 12 months, according to an update to me from the relevant CBC office.

The public, councillors, and developers clearly need to be educated about the effects of trees when planted near homes.

Enfield Close

18 /3/2015
The three ash trees in Enfield Close, Houghton Regis were crowned today. Lower limbs were trimmed last week.

The team were back again today to do some serious crowning.

What I need clarification on is why at least one of the trees, the one in the middle, hasn't been taken out altogether. In my view, and to be fair, the view of those doing this work, is that that tree should come out altogether to allow the other two to get more moisture and thrive.

As it stands, the condition of the limbs was poor due to lack of moisture, and the ground is rising around the bases, a sure sign that the trees can't get enough water. The tree nearest the path is forcing up the tarmac on the footpath creating a trip hazard.

I had a walkabout with a CBC officer to specifically look at the ward's trees.

An officer from Central Bedfordshire Council attended a meeting of the Houghton Regis Town Partnership Committee on Monday 13th July to relay information to councillors about a tree survey undertaken across the district for them, by Landscape Planning Limited.

Altogether 5342 individual trees and 446 groups of trees under the control of CBC's Housing department had been surveyed. These were now either numbered as individual trees, as clumps or simply unnumbered and noted as being in the grounds of their tenant's gardens. The Council had now stored the whereabouts of these trees on a Geographic Information System.

1470 trees had been noted as requiring work; 475 of these were in Houghton Regis.  These had all been prioritised, depending on various factors. Recorded were details of tree types, height, crown spread, and stem diameter. In addition, the visual inspection enabled the recording of defects or other notable tree features.  Recommendations, where appropriate, were made to control any identified
risks and to assign a priority against recommended works (reference document  p9).

Some priority 1 work had already been completed. Work on priority 2 and 3 trees was due to take place on those identified between early August 2015 and the end of March 2016. The work on the trees was thought to have a price tag of about £100,000 and would be carried out by Amey Construction who have an existing contract with Central Bedfordshire Council.

Bromley Gardens, Houghton Regis

The officer explained that the type of work being done would be low, overhanging, and dead branches being trimmed. He accepted that trees were an emotive subject, but was at pains to stress that the work would not prioritise 'loss of light' or 'fruit or leave droppings'. And there would not be large-scale removal of trees. He indicated that where trees were in tenants' gardens, the tenants had a responsibility to maintain them. Still, nevertheless, the Council would be looking to undertake work that would be too much for their tenants.

In the past, the Council had a budget of around £20,000 for trees and was reactive to things like high winds. In future, the Council would aim to survey a third of their tree stock every year to keep abreast of the situation.

Parkside Tree Reports

24/8/2014 At the beginning of this month I wrote a couple of reports up about tree maintenance required in Parkside. As we move towards  September I shall be looking for evidence that CBC and their contractors have done, or will be doing, something about the many issues I have highlighted.

I even came across one man who claims to have had to raise the height of his kitchen floor several times due to tree roots growing underneath! 

That's clearly a case of negligence by the authority responsible for allowing a tree to grow so close to a property. 

If the tree were near your house you'd start grumbling when the birds sit in the branches above your car and drop their do-dos all over it. Then perhaps you'd start making actual noises about the branches when it came over your roof tiles and spoilt your tv reception. But to let it get to this state, making your kitchen floor unsafe, then it really is time to tell the tree who is the boss!

Elsewhere there's a bunch of trees ganging up on a lonely streetlight. Never did condone bullying!

Meanwhile, Highways contractors, CBC Housing department, and CBC's tidy-team argue the toss over whose job it is.

Houghton Regis Parkside: Our Mature Trees Need Maintenance

23/7/2014 When we had Pride in Houghton earlier this year some effort was trumpeted by Central Bedfordshire Council as they trimmed a few trees, but what happened to the momentum?

All over the Parkside ward  people are now kicking up a fuss, notably over the state of sycamore and ash trees, some that are more than 30 years old. Planted close to homes, they regularly drop off their seeds that can quickly establish root and sprout in gardens. Some are so close they touch the windows of homes, and when they don't can block out a significant amount of light.

There's a horse chestnut tree in Enfield Close that, as a sapling, was lovingly watered by the first residents, but now they are regretting it, as the chestnuts in their cases make the footpath slippery while the branches cut out light. There are trees and public flower bed areas that have been left to be taken over by ivy and other strangling weeds. Areas in Bromley and Chelsea Gardens have become unsightly.

I have written to CBC to ask them what their strategy is towards these mature trees. People have had enough of being told "we'll see what we can do" and want some action. It is probably time to take out older trees and replant saplings in better places. I have offered to tour the ward with people from CBC's arboreal team to see what can be done. It's going to take some investment, so anyone on CBC, be warned, I'm looking for it.


update: 1/10/2014 CBC Highways Messaged me: "Your queries have been passed to the Arbitrational" ( I assume they meant Arboriculture) "Officer for your area and will be inspected in a timely fashion. At present we are experiencing a backlog of tree inspections due to restructuring and the sheer volume of requests."

"I have today emailed the Arbitrational" (?) "Officer and have asked the next time he is due in the Houghton Regis area. When he provides me with this information, I will add a note to the accounts to make you aware."


update 2/10/2014: I am indebted to a customer services advisor for looking into various tree reports for me. Responses recorded here to help me keep track of things.

I have spent the afternoon between calls obtaining the information for each individual case mentioned above and can give you the following updates:

232040 – Opp 100 Westminster Gardens, Over grown Tree– I do not think this is highway maintained but we have asked David Alderman to have a look. Maybe Housing/Handyvan

232081  - 126 Bromley Gardens Overgrown Tree – I do not think this is highway maintained but have asked David to check. Maybe Housing/Handyvan

232092 – Sundon Rd opp East hill footway, Overgrown vegetation – passed to waste services as not public highway.

232093 – Near 51 Bloomsbury Gardens, tree stump left in danger of children playing – this is not highway maintained but may fall under CBC housing/handyvan services

232095 – nr 46 Bloomsbury Gardens, Overgrown tree near to house and leaves dropping causing mess – I do not think this is highway maintained but have asked David to take a look to clarify, leaves will be under waste/handyvan services.

232096 – Sundon Road/Westminster Gardens crossing, hedges overgrown – Not public highway, passed to waste services.

232099 – Next to 30 Enfield Close, Overgrown Tree – Again unsure if this is a highway maintained tree due to its location but have asked David to clarify, may be Estates

232103 – Horse Chestnut located in the centre of Enfield Close, Issues with children throwing sticks up and hitting resident’s windows and leaves dropping making footway slippery – Due to location I do not think this is highway maintained, asked David to check but children issue may fall under housing/tenants and leaves are waste controlled.

232106 – Tree waste left on Westminster Gardens – This is not public highway, so we would not have carried out the work, may be down to waste/housing to clear

I have forwarded these over to the Estates Manager for the area and also Waste services and asked if they could investigate and let you know of any works which are their responsibilities which have been completed or due to be completed.

Newbury Rd Garages

I've been asked by residents to see what can be done about these three garages in Newbury Rd. This is being pursued by the ASB & Statutory Nuisance Team responsible for Community Safety at Central Bedfordshire Council.

The main problem is tracking down the owners, as some are privately owned, and others may be housing associations. I'm told that two owners have been tracked down and asked to clear up and make it secure or they could face penalties. The third owner is still being sought.

Monday 7 July 2014

Co-op Site - Social Club Petition

My petition, in the name of the Liberal Democrats, "We call upon Central Bedfordshire Council to make provision for social club premises in its re-development plans for the Co-op site, Houghton Regis."

320 supporters.

“We ask Central Bedfordshire Council to recognize the value of a social club to a community in providing a place for social interaction of the residents.

“The Houghton Regis Centre, a social club housed in temporary accommodation on the 'Co-op site, Houghton Regis' is being asked to vacate those premises by the end of July 2014, without any alternative accommodation being available. This is so that, under the terms of an arrangement between the parties, the Co-op can hand back the cleared site to the owner of the freehold, Central Bedfordshire Council. The club was a tenant of the Council until the time of the fire in 2006, but the Council has so far refused to indicate whether or not it will make provision for the club in any redevelopment of the site.”

LINK to Petition on

Petition Closed.
This petition had 320 supporters

Alan Winter.

Cover Letter to Central Bedfordshire Council with signatures
Recipient: Central Bedfordshire Council
Letter: Greetings,
We call upon Central Bedfordshire Council to make provision for social club
premises in its re-development plans for the Co-op site, Houghton Regis.

The Houghton Regis Centre, a social club, has been established for 25 years. It
has always catered for the community, and even after the 2006 fire which
destroyed premises above the Co-op, Houghton Regis, has continued to serve its
members in temporary accommodation.

Despite the 2006 fire, the club still has almost 500 members, but the smaller
temporary accommodation in the Co-op car park is due to be handed back to
Central Bedfordshire Council, and the Co-op have requested that the site is
vacated at the end of July 2014.

The social club is for members of all ages, young and old, where they can come to
and enjoy meeting up with their friends, come in for a quiet drink, or to grab a bite
to eat.

This club has pool teams, ladies and mens darts teams, a Saturday and Sunday
football team, all sponsored by the club. The club presently has five members of
the pool team representing Bedfordshire. One of them, James Molloy, plays for the
England youth team.

The club has annual charity pool events, pool marathons, and an Easter pool
contest that raises funds for Keech Cottage and has been doing so for 23 years.
The club has raised thousands of pounds for charities including Help for Heroes,
Keech cottage and the Pasque Hospice.

The older generation in Red House Court pop in for company as they feel safe
here, and it is just a short walk for them. The older members enjoy being able to
meet up with their friends at the club, or even just to go in there on their own
knowing that there will be others in there to sit and chat with.

At Christmas, the club organises Pantomimes, something that a commercial pub
would be unlikely to provide for the local children.

A Social Club brings communities, and more importantly families, together of which
public houses never could. As membership is required, that is a reason why
families and the elderly alike, choose the club over pubs as it is more controlled
who comes in and who does not. This is a vibrant social club for families and
friends to meet in. To lose it, the local community would have so many people
displaced, not forgetting that the staff will lose their employment.

Please do everything in your power to permit the club to remain on the Co-op site,
Houghton Regis.