Search Houghton Regis Notes

Monday 29 December 2014

Parkside Walk About. Problems Problems Problems. (sigh)

Out and about in Parkside, Houghton Regis today. A few problems reported. A few remaining.

Litter and debris near Bloomsbury Gardens

A mattress is dumped on the path by Bromley Gardens  (and another in Long Meadow). And hardboard dumped at end of Conquest Rd. And more rubbish by garages in Linmere Walk (where incidentally, we still have the weeds growing uncontrolled by a partially demolished garage.

Railings @ Bromley Gardens bent and twisted.

An issue with frayed ropes at Parkside Upper playground reported to HRTC.

I've long thought that something should be done with the pathway leading from Sandringham Drive's new estate to Parkside Lower playground. The path leads through a small copse and is used by young mum's taking their small children to the playground. If you've ever pushed a pushchair through mud, I think you'll understand the issue. I think I'll have another stab at CBC's Travel Choices people and see if they can't fund a solution. After all, they seem to be happy to spend money helping two-wheeled cyclists in South Beds, so how about other, four-wheeled, pedestrian vehicles?


Ongoing Fareham Way issue:

Broken Street Nameplates  for Long Meadow and Fareham Way

Need to chase up a certain CBC officer about this:

That'll do for today. (sigh).

Footnote 1/12/2014. Very responsive reply from CBC Environmental Protection Officer about the burnt out garage. "Have asked for a sample analysis to be taken in regards to the possibility of asbestos with in the waste from the roof covering. Once I have the results of that test we will be in place to select a contractor to clear and secure the garage. Once this is done I will finalise the case file and sent to our legal team."

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dunstable Promo Video Ignores Houghton Regis

To the outside world, I must reluctantly admit that people tend to know roughly where Dunstable is, but when it comes to Houghton Regis, most are clueless, and some even think it's somewhere on the south coast of England.

So, when it comes to this new video from Central Bedfordshire Council, I suppose they arguably have a reason for labelling the whole thing a regeneration of Dunstable. At the end of the day, any regeneration of Dunstable as a commercial and employment area in the wider context has to be a benefit for people living within its catchment area and has to be welcomed.

But let's be honest, "Dunstable" is a bit of cuckoo, really. Established as a market area at the junction of the parishes of Houghton Regis, Kensworth, and Caddington, it has gradually flexed its muscles, taken  over land that was Upper Houghton, land that is now western Dunstable, swallowing up the Houghton Regis land that once held the two Dunstable railway stations.

Boundary maps of Houghton Regis will show you how it has shrunk over the years. 

Further reading: LINK:

To look at this new film, you would believe that Dunstablians have every intention of swallowing up the rest of the town of Houghton Regis, for the commentator doesn't even mention Houghton Regis, even though many shots supporting the regeneration of "Dunstable" are actually taken in Houghton Regis.

0:32 Woodside Link was mentioned. That'll be in Houghton Regis and Chalton parish's.

1:15 Whitbread's flashed up there. That's in Houghton Regis.

1:33 The viewpoint from "Dunstable Downs" is actually in the Eaton Bray ward.

1:49 Bus is labelled "Parkside via Dunstable", but the commentator just calls it "Luton & Dunstable Guided Busway". Parkside is in Houghton Regis. Thank goodness for the lady in green at 5:31 mentioning her journeys from Houghton Regis.

2:02 Did you spot the gentleman climbing over the railings in the middle of the road? Surely an overlooked blemish? Safety doesn't come first, then?

2:24 Oh yes, The bypass. Not in Dunstable. That'll be in Houghton Regis Parish.

3:59 Vince Cable mentioned, for opening the Incuba Centre. Nice place, eco-friendly, excellent for hot-desking, business meetings, training etc.

6:18 Lorry emerges from Thorn Turn, Houghton Regis, and heads towards Dunstable.

6:22 There'll be "no lorries in the [Dunstable] High Street" says Cllr Young. Really? Should be careful what you say, councillor!

8:46 HQ Sports Bar. Tell us why you're wasting ecological resources with all those tv's on constantly, Don't people go out to get away from the tv?

9:38 I don't want to take anything away from the multi-million pound regeneration of Dunstable Leisure Centre, but with the new developments in Houghton Regis, original outlines included a NEW leisure centre facility for Houghton Regis, which now appear to be being reduced to refurbished continuation of the old. Watching that one.

10:47 - those new homes are in Houghton Regis. Built as an "affordable" homes estate, it will be one of the few in Houghton Regis, as only 10% of the new 5150 homes for the "Houghton Regis North 1" development are expected to be "affordable", partly because the developers are contributing £45m to the Dunstable Northern Bypass, which of course, will be built in Houghton Regis.

So, to sum up, good to see a promo video for the AREA, but a bit rude of the commentator not to mention Houghton Regis.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Houghton Regis Cemetery: Charges Under Review (2014)

  • Houghton Regis Town Council meet tonight to review various charges, including burial costs at their cemetery on Cemetery Road. Should the charges be left as they are, increased by the rate of inflation, or brought into line with charges made by bigger local authorities?

I've just done some research, and although Houghton Regis charges very fairly as compared to similar small towns in Central Bedfordshire, the cost of looking after graves over many years is never really met. Crematoriums are run at a profit, and graves at a loss. Farmers are no longer giving away land as a favour for a cemetery, preferring to sell it to developers for new housing. The value of any land a town council has, has to be carefully weighed up. It won't last forever.

The Town Council are currently looking into the prospect of converting a recreation ground (WITH  COVENANTS ON IT, ONE THAT RESTRICTS ITS USE TO "OPEN SPACE FOR RECREATIONAL USE") into a cemetery that might last them 40 years. Well, what happens after the 40 years are up? What playing field comes under scrutiny next?

The land use might be spun out a bit further by building mausoleums, and charging high fees for vaults (prices up to £37,000 at Bedford Borough Council), but in the meantime, more should be done to dissuade burials, and encourage cremations.

Sample fees (sourced Nov 2014) :

Exclusive Right of Burial (Adult) cost to authority residents 75 years except where stated):

£954 East Finchley  (+50% for advanced reserve)

£893 Mill Hill  (+50% for advanced reserve)

£860 Watford (50 years)

£675 Luton

£561 Bedford

£469 Stevenage

£260 Toddington

£236 Houghton Regis

£220 Edlesborough (50 years, includes interment)

£205 Flitwick

£160 Biggleswade (100 years)

After the burial right, the cost of Interment in a grave:

£620 Luton

£619 Bedford (with other options up to £37,447)

£552 East Finchley / Mill Hill

£450 Watford

£262 Flitwick

£248 Stevenage

£200 Biggleswade

£163 Toddington

£110 Houghton Regis

Permit for headstone:

£212 Bedford

£170 Stevenage

£150 Toddington

£84 East Finchley / Mill Hill

£64 Flitwick

£45 Edlesborough

£43 Houghton Regis

£40 Biggleswade

* Footnote: since writing this, the committee agreed to increase the fees in Houghton Regis by 5% rather than the 3% in-line with inflation suggested by officers. Luton's fees are due to rise again in January 2015. For the record, when the covenants on Orchard Close came to light, this changed everything for me. I do not support Orchard Close being used as a cemetery.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Houghton Brook - Lilly Lane

I took a number of pictures of Houghton Brook yesterday afternoon alongside the path between the cricket pavilion and Park Road North. Historically this route is known as Lilly Lane.

The Houghton Brook starts behind the Pavilion on Houghton Regis Village Green and wends eastward. It is claimed as the source of the River Lea.  Sustrans National Cycle path N0. 6. runs alongside the Brook through Houghton Regis. The waters easily collect debris from small fallen branches between the Green and across to Parkside. And then there are people who don't care and throw things into it.

My contact at the Environment Agency(EA) has now promised me that he "will get one of our Operations gangs to come and clear the brook. I will try and get this done ASAP."

The EA will attend to calls made to their incident number (0800 80 70 60 ) by members of the public reporting obstruction/blockages such as fallen trees. They don’t own Houghton Brook and have no legal responsibility to carry out any work on it. Maintenance of the brook is the responsibility of the land or riparian owner. The EA carry out maintenance works on the brook for flood defence purposes using powers granted to them by Government.

The EA have a brochure "Living on the Edge". If you own land or property next to a river, stream or ditch you are a ‘riparian landowner’ and this guide is for you. It has been updated with new information on who to contact for guidance on watercourses.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Parkside trees | Kirton Way concrete

In July and August, I provided Central Bedfordshire Council with a "tip of the iceberg" report on the state of overgrown trees in Parkside. I am still waiting to hear what they will actually do about them, apart from passing the baton to someone else to look into.

Back in April the Town Partnership, a joint committee of Town and Central Bedfordshire Councillors and officers from both, met to decide a way forward to removing a pile of concrete from Kirton Way. I am still waiting to hear when and if any action will actually take place.

I have not had any news on any schedule of works to remedy the works in the High Street. We were informed in the summer that the rectification bill would be met by the private supermarket developers, although the work would be carried out by Amey.

On 15th July I presented a petition to CBC  requesting that provision be made for a social club within the redeveloped Co-op site on Houghton Regis High Street. Senior CBC councillor Nigel Young delegated an officer to liaise with myself, the club chairman and the two CBC ward councillors. To date all I've been told is that negotiations on the site are confidential.

I have had CBC officers investigate three eyesore garages in Newbury Road. This has resulted in enforcement notices, and the area being made more respectable, although it needs constant monitoring.

23/7/2014 - I've been asked by residents to see what can be done about these three garages in Newbury Rd. This is being pursued by the ASB & Statutory Nuisance Team responsible for Community Safety at Central Bedfordshire Council.

The main problem is tracking down the owners, as some are privately owned, and others may be housing associations. I'm told that two owners have been tracked down and asked to clear up and make it secure or they could face penalties. The third owner is still being sought.

The problem of parking near the Parkside Neighbourhood Centre has been investigated. Housing and Highways officers from CBC have advised me, and I have seen residents involved. Let's hope the residents understand each other now.

Last year I highlighted the problem of empty garages in the ownership of CBC . I was told in a Freedom of Information request that Central Bedfordshire Council owned  1,016 garages in Houghton Regis, of which 565 of them were boarded up, and apparently a waiting list of only 25. A wasting asset in my view. Action seems to be nearing some conclusion as I understand that CBC are working up a couple of schemes to redevelop one of two garage blocks in the Tithe Farm area, although not in Parkside, just yet.

Application to build one-bedroom flats on the old Dog & Duck car park - the outcome of this is awaited with interest. My objections were largely based on poor security provisions for the site, such as leaving proposed bike cupboards exposed to a public car park.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Basic Councillor Allowance Discussion (2014)


  • Houghton Regis Town Council has agreed not to pay any councillor allowances.

What allowances can be paid?

In summary, the allowances which are or may be payable to members of local authorities are as follows: basic allowance, special responsibility allowance, dependants’ carers’ allowance, travelling and subsistence allowance. 

EIM65960 - Local Government Councillors and civic dignitaries in England: ODPM guidance: Part One: members' allowances. Employment Income Manual  LINK to

Here's what various councils pay out in 2014:


"A Parish Basic Allowance shall be paid to each councillor. This sum will be equal to 20% 

of the basic allowance paid to members of the West Dorset District Council and, in the year 

ending 31 March 2012 will be £978. "


"The Panel accept that a rate of pay similar to that

applied in the Bolsover Scheme based on a rate of £12.80 per hour

was appropriate.

(iv) Using the above factors the Panel was able to calculate the basic

allowance as follows:

- 10 hours per month = 120 hours per year

- 120 hours x £12.80 = £1536.5

- 90% deduction to account for the voluntary nature of the role =

£154 p.a

original link:





The Parish Remuneration Panel (PRP) recommends that for Parish and 

Town Councils which choose to pay a Parish Basic Allowance the level of 

such allowance should be set at £30.00 per annum and the Chairman’s allowance be set at £60.00 per annum.


 from 17th May 2011 until the 31st March 2012

 The amount of the Parish basic allowance payable to each Parish Councillor shall be £430 per annum.


UPLYME PARISH COUNCIL – Payment of expenses to Council members

At the meeting on 10/11/2010, the Parish Basic Allowance was set at £50 per annum.

Upper Beeding Parish Council

Date: 4th November 2003

That all Parish Councillors be entitled to receive a basic allowance of not

exceeding £250 per annum (being 9.4% of the District Councillors’ basic




MARCH 2010 


"recommends that all Town/Parish Councillors should be entitled to 

receive a parish basic allowance which should not exceed £487 per 

annum. The Panel is required by Regulation 29(2) to express this 

figure as a percentage of the District Council’s Members’ Basic 

Allowance. This equates to 10%. "





Great Wakering Parish Council 

Recommendations: Basic allowance - £567 per annum

Hockley Parish Council 

Recommendations: Basic Allowance – 30% of the Rochford District Council basic allowance, which equates to £1,275 per annum, to recognise the achievement of Quality Parish status. 

Rayleigh Town Council

Recommendations: Basic allowance – 30% of the Rochford District Council basic allowance, which equates to £1,275 per annum, to recognise the achievement of Quality Parish status. 

Rochford Parish Council 

Recommendations: Basic allowance – £350 per annum

Brixham Town Council

effect from 20 July 2007 to 31 March 2008

Scheme for each year a basic allowance of £241 shall be paid to each councillor.

Cuxton Parish Council 

has set the allowance at £88.71 per annum.

October 2008

Sleaford Town Council  (2007)

 10% of District Council Basic Allowance, i.e. the sum of £408 per year

Brymton Parish Council (2005) 

£100 per Councillor.

Crowborough Town Council  

2014/2015 Basic Allowance £1200


Panel recommendation 15% of the Borough Council’s basic Allowance (namely £700)

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Objections to a plan for building construction on Dog & Duck Car Park

My comments about the application CB/14/03488 posted to CBC 14/10/2014.

1. I am concerned about the proposed new car park on the northern side. 

Firstly, there are 4 trees on this site of various qualities, and in my opinion, one or more of these should be worthy of retention. 

Secondly, I am concerned about the noise likely to emanate late at night as people leave the bar/restaurant and the slamming of car doors in close proximity to residential homes. 

Thirdly, I am concerned about the turning of vehicles at night and headlights shining into nearby windows of the residential area of Dolphin Drive.

If trees do have to be lost and the car park does have to be constructed then more consideration should be given to soundproofing and building a northern wall boundary. This would have the effect of limiting noise, containing headlights, and providing additional security for vehicles while their owners are within the bar/restaurant.

2. I am concerned about aspects of the southern boundary of the whole site. I do not regard the low rail as sufficient security for the maisonettes. The proposed bike sheds would be an easy target for thieves accessing the site from the Town Council's public car park. The low rail border would also serve to encourage residents and visitors to the flats to park in the public car park, causing inconvenience to motorists using the football fields, particularly at weekends.

Even a 6ft high close boarded fence would be inadequate as there would then exist the problem of maintenance. I would recommend a 2m high wall boundary to improve security and to discourage use of the public car park.

3. To make the site more secure, the western edge of the car park should have a retaining wall to discourage random walk-throughs with inherent opportunistic theft.

4. I do not think that having three different places for bin storage is a good design. It would assist the refuse collection service if there was one central place for all of the bins.

5. I object to the reference in the design and access statement that refers to the grass verge on the southern edge of the site being referred to as an amenity area for the residents of the maisonettes. The grass verge there would surely fall to the Town Council to maintain, and maintenance efforts would be increased. I'm also unhappy about the lack of mention of the trees on the southern boundary and any help in the application to explain what will happen to them should the application go through.

Monday 29 September 2014

WEEDS - Neglect of Our Housing Estates in Central Bedfordshire


Whilst out and about in my locality I obviously pick up on issues and problems and I don't claim a monopoly on reporting these in to Central Bedfordshire Council. So I just wondered what experience other folk have around our CBC area? Seems to me that there must be a manpower / financial problem in not getting attention to our housing estates. I would be obliged if by response, a CBC executive councillor would like to explain the reasons for the apparent neglect? These sample images were taken in my ward in Houghton Regis on 28/9/2014.


Alan D Winter

Independent Councillor,  Parkside Ward, Houghton Regis Town Council

Friday 5 September 2014

A Crossing For Windsor Drive?

I received an enquiry about a crossing for Windsor Drive, Houghton Regis, this afternoon, so I thought I'd blog it.

When members of the public send in requests for Highway work, people are now being sent a stiff letter asking them to get the support of local people including elected councillors. I am aware of the kind of letter that NC is sending out. Indeed, I have myself been sent one.

This appears to be a directive from CBC to Highways to make them think harder about where they spend their money, and to make ad hoc requests from the public more quantifiable, and responsible. If that's the reasoning, then it seems like a good strategy to me, especially as CBC is facing another round of cuts (or a whopping council tax rise) next year, and needs to get value for money.

I discussed this matter with the town clerk, Clare Evans, at the end of July and she was going to make a form available for members of the public requesting ad hoc work, which would indeed need qualifying by locally elected representatives.

As to the matter of a crossing (or 2 - I'm not certain if one or 2 were being thought about) on Windsor Drive, my understanding through my enquiries is that members of CBC have actually given the go-ahead for a crossing. Unfortunately, money to do this work has not yet materialised, as it was supposed to have been done through developer contributions via the new Sandringham Drive estate, and these have since hit snags.

I have been waiting since the beginning of July 2014, which is when I last received an update on this matter from CBC, (including officers as well as Cllr Spurr and Cllr Young) to learn if there is to be any satisfactory outcome. I shall follow up on that, again, now.

I shall keep you all informed if I do receive an update.

If I do not get an update, the next public opportunity to voice concern on Windsor Drive would be at the Town Partnership Committee on 20th October, to be held at Peel Street, Houghton Regis at 7.30pm. The Town Partnership Committee is a meeting of CBC and Town Council representatives, with officers from both councils also present.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Parkside Tree Reports

At the beginning of this month, I wrote a couple of reports about tree maintenance required in Parkside. As we move towards  September, I shall be looking for evidence that CBC and their contractors have done, or will be doing, something about the many issues I have highlighted.

I even came across one man who claims to have had to raise the height of his kitchen floor several times due to tree roots growing underneath! 

That's clearly a case of negligence by the authority responsible for allowing a tree to grow so close to a property. 

If the tree were near your house, you'd start grumbling when the birds sit in the branches above your car and drop their do-dos all over it. Then, perhaps, you'd start making actual noises about the branches when it came over your roof tiles and spoilt your TV reception. But to let it get to this state, making your kitchen floor unsafe, then it really is time to tell the tree who is the boss!

Elsewhere there's a bunch of trees ganging up on a lonely streetlight. I never did condone bullying!

Meanwhile, Highways contractors, CBC Housing department, and CBC's tidy-team argue the toss over whose job it is.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Parkside, Houghton Regis - Tree Issues (Various dates)

Public, Councillors, and Developers: Think! Before You Plant!


Only this last week I was contacted by a householder in Parkside, Houghton Regis, upset at the lack of light to their home because years ago a tree was planted too close to a home. This tree will be dealt with eventually by CBC, but at the moment not during the next 12 months, according to an update to me from the relevant CBC office.

The public, councillors, and developers clearly need to be educated about the effects of trees when planted near homes.

Enfield Close

18 /3/2015
The three ash trees in Enfield Close, Houghton Regis were crowned today. Lower limbs were trimmed last week.

The team were back again today to do some serious crowning.

What I need clarification on is why at least one of the trees, the one in the middle, hasn't been taken out altogether. In my view, and to be fair, the view of those doing this work, is that that tree should come out altogether to allow the other two to get more moisture and thrive.

As it stands, the condition of the limbs was poor due to lack of moisture, and the ground is rising around the bases, a sure sign that the trees can't get enough water. The tree nearest the path is forcing up the tarmac on the footpath creating a trip hazard.

I had a walkabout with a CBC officer to specifically look at the ward's trees.

An officer from Central Bedfordshire Council attended a meeting of the Houghton Regis Town Partnership Committee on Monday 13th July to relay information to councillors about a tree survey undertaken across the district for them, by Landscape Planning Limited.

Altogether 5342 individual trees and 446 groups of trees under the control of CBC's Housing department had been surveyed. These were now either numbered as individual trees, as clumps or simply unnumbered and noted as being in the grounds of their tenant's gardens. The Council had now stored the whereabouts of these trees on a Geographic Information System.

1470 trees had been noted as requiring work; 475 of these were in Houghton Regis.  These had all been prioritised, depending on various factors. Recorded were details of tree types, height, crown spread, and stem diameter. In addition, the visual inspection enabled the recording of defects or other notable tree features.  Recommendations, where appropriate, were made to control any identified
risks and to assign a priority against recommended works (reference document  p9).

Some priority 1 work had already been completed. Work on priority 2 and 3 trees was due to take place on those identified between early August 2015 and the end of March 2016. The work on the trees was thought to have a price tag of about £100,000 and would be carried out by Amey Construction who have an existing contract with Central Bedfordshire Council.

Bromley Gardens, Houghton Regis

The officer explained that the type of work being done would be low, overhanging, and dead branches being trimmed. He accepted that trees were an emotive subject, but was at pains to stress that the work would not prioritise 'loss of light' or 'fruit or leave droppings'. And there would not be large-scale removal of trees. He indicated that where trees were in tenants' gardens, the tenants had a responsibility to maintain them. Still, nevertheless, the Council would be looking to undertake work that would be too much for their tenants.

In the past, the Council had a budget of around £20,000 for trees and was reactive to things like high winds. In future, the Council would aim to survey a third of their tree stock every year to keep abreast of the situation.

Parkside Tree Reports

24/8/2014 At the beginning of this month I wrote a couple of reports up about tree maintenance required in Parkside. As we move towards  September I shall be looking for evidence that CBC and their contractors have done, or will be doing, something about the many issues I have highlighted.

I even came across one man who claims to have had to raise the height of his kitchen floor several times due to tree roots growing underneath! 

That's clearly a case of negligence by the authority responsible for allowing a tree to grow so close to a property. 

If the tree were near your house you'd start grumbling when the birds sit in the branches above your car and drop their do-dos all over it. Then perhaps you'd start making actual noises about the branches when it came over your roof tiles and spoilt your tv reception. But to let it get to this state, making your kitchen floor unsafe, then it really is time to tell the tree who is the boss!

Elsewhere there's a bunch of trees ganging up on a lonely streetlight. Never did condone bullying!

Meanwhile, Highways contractors, CBC Housing department, and CBC's tidy-team argue the toss over whose job it is.

Houghton Regis Parkside: Our Mature Trees Need Maintenance

23/7/2014 When we had Pride in Houghton earlier this year some effort was trumpeted by Central Bedfordshire Council as they trimmed a few trees, but what happened to the momentum?

All over the Parkside ward  people are now kicking up a fuss, notably over the state of sycamore and ash trees, some that are more than 30 years old. Planted close to homes, they regularly drop off their seeds that can quickly establish root and sprout in gardens. Some are so close they touch the windows of homes, and when they don't can block out a significant amount of light.

There's a horse chestnut tree in Enfield Close that, as a sapling, was lovingly watered by the first residents, but now they are regretting it, as the chestnuts in their cases make the footpath slippery while the branches cut out light. There are trees and public flower bed areas that have been left to be taken over by ivy and other strangling weeds. Areas in Bromley and Chelsea Gardens have become unsightly.

I have written to CBC to ask them what their strategy is towards these mature trees. People have had enough of being told "we'll see what we can do" and want some action. It is probably time to take out older trees and replant saplings in better places. I have offered to tour the ward with people from CBC's arboreal team to see what can be done. It's going to take some investment, so anyone on CBC, be warned, I'm looking for it.


update: 1/10/2014 CBC Highways Messaged me: "Your queries have been passed to the Arbitrational" ( I assume they meant Arboriculture) "Officer for your area and will be inspected in a timely fashion. At present we are experiencing a backlog of tree inspections due to restructuring and the sheer volume of requests."

"I have today emailed the Arbitrational" (?) "Officer and have asked the next time he is due in the Houghton Regis area. When he provides me with this information, I will add a note to the accounts to make you aware."


update 2/10/2014: I am indebted to a customer services advisor for looking into various tree reports for me. Responses recorded here to help me keep track of things.

I have spent the afternoon between calls obtaining the information for each individual case mentioned above and can give you the following updates:

232040 – Opp 100 Westminster Gardens, Over grown Tree– I do not think this is highway maintained but we have asked David Alderman to have a look. Maybe Housing/Handyvan

232081  - 126 Bromley Gardens Overgrown Tree – I do not think this is highway maintained but have asked David to check. Maybe Housing/Handyvan

232092 – Sundon Rd opp East hill footway, Overgrown vegetation – passed to waste services as not public highway.

232093 – Near 51 Bloomsbury Gardens, tree stump left in danger of children playing – this is not highway maintained but may fall under CBC housing/handyvan services

232095 – nr 46 Bloomsbury Gardens, Overgrown tree near to house and leaves dropping causing mess – I do not think this is highway maintained but have asked David to take a look to clarify, leaves will be under waste/handyvan services.

232096 – Sundon Road/Westminster Gardens crossing, hedges overgrown – Not public highway, passed to waste services.

232099 – Next to 30 Enfield Close, Overgrown Tree – Again unsure if this is a highway maintained tree due to its location but have asked David to clarify, may be Estates

232103 – Horse Chestnut located in the centre of Enfield Close, Issues with children throwing sticks up and hitting resident’s windows and leaves dropping making footway slippery – Due to location I do not think this is highway maintained, asked David to check but children issue may fall under housing/tenants and leaves are waste controlled.

232106 – Tree waste left on Westminster Gardens – This is not public highway, so we would not have carried out the work, may be down to waste/housing to clear

I have forwarded these over to the Estates Manager for the area and also Waste services and asked if they could investigate and let you know of any works which are their responsibilities which have been completed or due to be completed.

Newbury Rd Garages

I've been asked by residents to see what can be done about these three garages in Newbury Rd. This is being pursued by the ASB & Statutory Nuisance Team responsible for Community Safety at Central Bedfordshire Council.

The main problem is tracking down the owners, as some are privately owned, and others may be housing associations. I'm told that two owners have been tracked down and asked to clear up and make it secure or they could face penalties. The third owner is still being sought.

Monday 7 July 2014

Co-op Site - Social Club Petition

My petition, in the name of the Liberal Democrats, "We call upon Central Bedfordshire Council to make provision for social club premises in its re-development plans for the Co-op site, Houghton Regis."

320 supporters.

“We ask Central Bedfordshire Council to recognize the value of a social club to a community in providing a place for social interaction of the residents.

“The Houghton Regis Centre, a social club housed in temporary accommodation on the 'Co-op site, Houghton Regis' is being asked to vacate those premises by the end of July 2014, without any alternative accommodation being available. This is so that, under the terms of an arrangement between the parties, the Co-op can hand back the cleared site to the owner of the freehold, Central Bedfordshire Council. The club was a tenant of the Council until the time of the fire in 2006, but the Council has so far refused to indicate whether or not it will make provision for the club in any redevelopment of the site.”

LINK to Petition on

Petition Closed.
This petition had 320 supporters

Alan Winter.

Cover Letter to Central Bedfordshire Council with signatures
Recipient: Central Bedfordshire Council
Letter: Greetings,
We call upon Central Bedfordshire Council to make provision for social club
premises in its re-development plans for the Co-op site, Houghton Regis.

The Houghton Regis Centre, a social club, has been established for 25 years. It
has always catered for the community, and even after the 2006 fire which
destroyed premises above the Co-op, Houghton Regis, has continued to serve its
members in temporary accommodation.

Despite the 2006 fire, the club still has almost 500 members, but the smaller
temporary accommodation in the Co-op car park is due to be handed back to
Central Bedfordshire Council, and the Co-op have requested that the site is
vacated at the end of July 2014.

The social club is for members of all ages, young and old, where they can come to
and enjoy meeting up with their friends, come in for a quiet drink, or to grab a bite
to eat.

This club has pool teams, ladies and mens darts teams, a Saturday and Sunday
football team, all sponsored by the club. The club presently has five members of
the pool team representing Bedfordshire. One of them, James Molloy, plays for the
England youth team.

The club has annual charity pool events, pool marathons, and an Easter pool
contest that raises funds for Keech Cottage and has been doing so for 23 years.
The club has raised thousands of pounds for charities including Help for Heroes,
Keech cottage and the Pasque Hospice.

The older generation in Red House Court pop in for company as they feel safe
here, and it is just a short walk for them. The older members enjoy being able to
meet up with their friends at the club, or even just to go in there on their own
knowing that there will be others in there to sit and chat with.

At Christmas, the club organises Pantomimes, something that a commercial pub
would be unlikely to provide for the local children.

A Social Club brings communities, and more importantly families, together of which
public houses never could. As membership is required, that is a reason why
families and the elderly alike, choose the club over pubs as it is more controlled
who comes in and who does not. This is a vibrant social club for families and
friends to meet in. To lose it, the local community would have so many people
displaced, not forgetting that the staff will lose their employment.

Please do everything in your power to permit the club to remain on the Co-op site,
Houghton Regis.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Liberal Democrat Leaflet: Sue Thorne Election

Election held 24 July 2014

The estimated cost to the Council of this election was put at between £3600 and £5000. Ordinarily, political parties save local councils the expense by coming to a no-cost co-option arrangement. This cost was explained to a private person who still insisted on calling an election. The elected person could attend meetings between September 2014 and May 2015 - not a great deal of meetings. And yet, the Independent who forced the election had not even made it his business to attend meetings before the by-election contest, where he would have had ample opportunity to ask questions at the council's public meetings. 

Before the election, Houghton Regis Town Council had 10 Lib Dems, 3 Labour, and 1 vacancy. After the election, there were 10 Lib Dems, 3 Labour, and 1 Community. 

Friday 30 May 2014

Liberal Democrat Leaflet: Reflections on the Co-op Site | The Value of the Houghton Regis Centre

1402 / Q2 2014 / A3 leaflet

The Value of the Houghton Regis Centre | Houghton Regis A Fun Place to Be! | Tory Dither Threatens Town Expansion Plans | Civilisation Scheme? | Night Time Races


Relies by Email (anonymised):

30 May 2014
“I would like to see the co-op site to become a leisure center for children or a employment agreement to give local citizens jobs as there are none around here for local residents or - sum form of entertainment I.e cinema,bowling,ice skating,indoor football/tennis pitches or a amusment center for the youth !! Thanks for taking the time to read this if u find 1 or more of my idea's suitable plz let me knw.”

1 June 2014
“Having been a resident of Whitehouse Close for 50+yrs, I feel we do not need, Flats, Offices,or a Multi-storey car park. 
It would be a better idea to establish better care facilities for Older people, namely old peoples bungalows for example,or even a care home, we keep hearing about the ageing population so this should be in the forethought of the planning committee mind. 
Thank You.”

1 June 2014
“I would suggest that provisions are made for a Marks and Spencer store with its own car park to be built on the old co-op site.  We need some quality shops in Houghton Regis to bring some revival in the town.  ”

5 June 2014 
“My preference would be for a large clothing store, as Houghton Regis is due to grow vastly and we currently have no clothing stores. Perhaps a community center/social club could be incorporated into the build, in a similar way to the old club above the Gateway/Co-op store? I understand that Matalan once sought to open a store on the White Lion Retail Park, but this was objected to by Dunstable Town Council as they believed that this would take custom away from the town center. In my opinion Dunstable Town Council were mistaken, as i believe that many people that would have visited the Matalan store would have gone on to visit Dunstable Town center and certainly when my wife and i visit Matalan in Luton, we usually also visit the Arndale center.
“If a large store could not be enticed to set up on the old Co-op site, then i would still prefer the site to be used for retail. Perhaps the Co-op site could be developed, with the Bedford Square stores/businesses moving onto the Co-op site and then redevelop Bedford Square for retail. 
“With over 5000 new houses due to be constructed in Houghton Regis in the next few years, i would expect the population to increase by about 12000, so i really believe that the town is really worthy of a decent shopping area in the town center.”

7 June 2014 
“How about a dog free Park where we can go in relative safety which is clean and safe.
We are perhaps the only community in the Country without one.
I note that even the NATURE RESERVE land is not closed to dogs ( change of name overdue ).
The site I had in mind was the old Co-op one.
As the 'parklands' seem to be in total control of dog walkers with even a car park for Luton & Dunstable contingent!
The normal,country wide,would be to section off area's for the minority i.e. dog walkers.
But they would now seem to have total control? ”

11 June 2014
1 Sorry to see the CoOperative store closed down. A pity the council couldn't have reached a better agreement. However, Morrisons and Tesco still need to have competition. Why not either a Waitrose or a Marks & Spencer Food Hall ? Have a look at their stores in Harpenden if you need good examples.
 2, Park Road North: Have a look at the drains on both sides of the road. On the side furthest from the Houghton Hall park, almost all of the drains / drain lids are blocked. No wonder that when we have heavy rain, we also have instant flooding!

12 June 2014
Further to the item "What would you do with the Co-op Site" in Issue 1402 of the Focus magazine.
I have been a resident of Houghton Regis since November 1983 and consider that the supermarket and community centre were a focal point in the centre of the town.
... the town would benefit from the following:
- a number of lock-up shops and a restaurant fronting onto the High Street.
- a new community centre with facilities similar to the one that was located within the roof void of the supermarket; incorporating a large hall with stage, bar and lounge areas, etc.
- a number of small offices for economical rent, together with meeting rooms, for new/small businesses similar to those within the Hub
- affordable/starter homes with purchase restricted to persons who were born and residing within Houghton Regis, so as to enable young persons/couples to get a foot hold in the housing market.
the site to be sympathetically and appropriately developed and landscaped so as to provide a focal point in the centre of town; there is scope for a three storey development to maximise the potential of the site.

20 June 2014
“Why has taken so long to realize that the Social club did not have a lease ?  The Co-op burnt down 8 YEARS AGO and steps should have been taken then to ensure its 
survival along with a permanent site.
 “You say that the Lib Dems have long pressed the Co-Op and CBC to bring the site back 
into proper use. It is obvious to me and I suspect to many other readers of the latest 
Focus that collectively you have not been bloody minded enough with either party in swiftly bringing the issue to a close, and by doing so you have let YOUR community down. 
“You are asking for suggestions as to what should be built. In a way you have answered the question yourselves by saying 'with a growing Town'. Houghton Regis needs more retail facilities bearing in mind that there are currently 2 separate proposals to build a total of some 260 new homes on 2 sites along Bedford Road.

“If the site should be occupied by offices, flats,care housing or cinema then the town will lose in total the car parking which is needed as what we have at present is not adequate.
If shops are built then this will possibly enable the Social Club to be re-housed above
“Once the Co-Op have finished gutting the shop interior and leave the site it then I assume 
becomes the responsibility of CBC. I imagine that it will be several months if not years 
before a decision is made as to its future. NOW HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR HRCC 
TO EARN SOME GOLD MEDALS. Make a firm request to CBC that they at the very least improve the appearance of the site by the maintenance of the shrubby, cutting the grass on the roundabout, removing the rubbish that has appeared where the shrubs have been removed to allow access for the removal of the signage on the High Street elevation AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST give the hoarding around the site a coat of paint.
“How about getting the local schools involved in painting a mural on the High Street frontage, anything that will improve the current eye sore.
 WANT TO EARN SOME MORE MEDALS?  Get Morrisons to make a decision as to what they are going to do with the site they vacated.ANOTHER EYE SORE IN PROCESS
 ( by the way I am a Lib Dem supporter)”

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Fly-Posters Run Amok: Town Smothered - Where Is Rapid Response Team?

  • On Saturday I took these pictures around Houghton Regis. A frankly, unbelievable quantity of illegal fly-posting.

Someone has shown great exuberance and placed posters for a funfair EVERYWHERE.

Whilst the Town Council's railings on The Green are appropriate, the other locations that include Co-op hoardings, church car park, railings at Bedford Sq, electricity sub-station Tithe Farm Rd, the roundabout at Chequers including railings at the side and at central reservations, and tied to sundry poles and posts throughout the central area are not acceptable.

Given that the posters are all for T G Smith's funfair, I was hoping that CBC officers would be impressed upon to take swift action and enforce any appropriate penalties where necessary.

Today, 4 days after I wrote to Highways, I get the standard "our technicians have 5 working days to inspect and update the report, or 10 working days for street lighting issues" email back. I don't think this is good enough. We need a rapid-response team!

Railings here would require permission from Highways, Central Bedfordshire Council

Railings here would require permission from Houghton Regis Town Council

Bedfordshire County Council noticeboard: normally disused, perhaps one of the few realistically legitimate places to put posters. This land at the bottom of Tithe Farm road is part of the Village Green.

Railings here would require permission from Martin Slowe Estates who own Bedford Square.


I'm presuming they don't have permission from the Electricty folk ! Or from the Co-op who own the lease on the land here in the town centre, below.

Church car park, privately owned, CBC managed

More at Hillborough shops and elsewhere! It's ridiculous! 

I'm minded to do everything I can to stop them coming back!

Guidance Notes on tackling this problem can be found here (pdf file)