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Friday 15 December 2023

Cybersecurity Terms You Need to Know

What is Authentification?

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or entity attempting to access a system or resource. It ensures that the person or entity requesting access is who they claim to be. In cybersecurity, authentication plays a critical role in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information or resources.

There are several authentication methods available, including:

Password-based authentication: This is the most common method where users provide a unique password to verify their identity. It is important to enforce strong password policies, such as using complex passwords and regularly updating them.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA): MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide additional verification factors, such as a fingerprint, a smart card, or a one-time password (OTP) sent to their mobile device. This helps mitigate the risks associated with stolen or weak passwords.

Biometric authentication: This method uses unique physical or behavioural characteristics of an individual, such as fingerprints, retina scans, or voice recognition, to verify their identity. Biometric authentication provides a higher level of security compared to traditional password-based methods.

Certificate-based authentication: This method uses digital certificates to authenticate users or devices. Certificates are issued and signed by a trusted certificate authority, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the identity.

When implementing authentication, it is important to consider factors such as the sensitivity of the data or resources being accessed, the user experience, and the level of security required. By implementing strong authentication methods, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your company's systems and protect valuable information.

What is a QR Code?

A QR code, short for Quick Response code, is a type of two-dimensional barcode that consists of black squares arranged on a white background. It is designed to be scanned and read quickly using a smartphone or QR code reader. Here's a QRCode for my blogs. Scan it with an app on your smart phone, and see where it takes you.

Make a QR Code for free at

QR codes can store various types of information, such as text, URLs, contact details, or even encrypted data. When scanned, the QR code reader decodes the information and performs the corresponding action, such as opening a website, displaying text, or adding contact details to a phone's address book.

QR codes have gained popularity due to their ease of use and versatility. They can be found in various settings, such as advertising, product packaging, event tickets, and payment systems. They provide a convenient way to share information quickly and efficiently.

However, it is important to exercise caution when scanning QR codes, as they can potentially be used for malicious purposes. Cybercriminals can create QR codes that lead to malicious websites or trigger harmful actions when scanned. Therefore, it is recommended to only scan QR codes from trusted sources and ensure you have up-to-date security measures on your smartphone or QR code reader.

Overall, QR codes are a useful tool for sharing information, but it's crucial to use them responsibly and be aware of potential security risks.

What is encryption?

Encryption is the process of converting plain, readable data into an encoded form that can only be accessed or understood by authorized individuals or systems. It is a fundamental technique used in cybersecurity to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or interception.

Encryption uses algorithms and cryptographic keys to transform data into ciphertext, which appears as random and meaningless characters. The process typically involves scrambling the data in a way that can only be reversed or decrypted with the correct encryption key.

There are two main types of encryption:

Symmetric encryption: In symmetric encryption, the same key is used for both the encryption and decryption processes. The sender and recipient of the encrypted data must share the same key securely. While symmetric encryption is fast and efficient, the challenge lies in securely sharing and managing the encryption key.

Asymmetric encryption: Also known as public-key encryption, asymmetric encryption uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a private key. The public key is freely shared, allowing anyone to encrypt data, while the private key is kept secret and used for decryption. Asymmetric encryption eliminates the need for key exchange, making it more convenient for secure communication.

Encryption is applied to various aspects of cybersecurity, such as securing communication channels, protecting stored data, and safeguarding sensitive information during transmission. It is a crucial component in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data, particularly in scenarios like online transactions, secure messaging, and data storage.

To maintain strong encryption practices, it is important to use robust encryption algorithms, regularly update encryption keys, and protect encryption keys from unauthorized access. Additionally, encryption should be complemented with other security measures, such as strong access controls, secure storage, and regular security audits, to create a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

Back to ... Social Media Safety

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Glass Collection Houghton Regis and Dunstable

Why do the more affluent areas of Central Bedfordshire get doorstep bottle collections, but us common folk need to get to a ‘convenient’ bottle bank?

Parts of Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) area that get glass collections got them before CBC was formed. 

In 2018 CBC were waiting for the outcome of a Government plan for waste collection before spending their own money on bins and collections. [see CBC website "Why are glass waste collections only a potential option going forward?"]. 

The Government plan stalled and now "The expected start date for the scheme is 1 October 2025" [see website ]. 

So I presume, CBC will be looking to see how they need to respond to the outcomes from the Government after their scheme starts before considering any new expense for glass bins and collection points in parts of CBC area that don't currently get glass bottle collections.

For now, glass bottles and jars do not go in the recycling bins in this area. They can go in the black bins, although that's not ideal for someone not in a vehicle who has carried them full of contents from a supermarket or other store in a shopping bag and is keen to recycle. Ideally, these shops should have their own glass deposit bins.

For a list of where the recycling points are in Houghton Regis go to CBC website [Fieldstone, Frogmore Road, Houghton Regis Leisure Centre.]

For a list of glass recycling points in Dunstable go to CBC website [Grove House Gardens, Ashton Square car park, Poynters Arms public house, Council offices, Shopping precinct Mayfield Rd, Union Street ]

Hope this helps.

Alan Winter 21/11/2023

Fake Websites

  • Common weak points of a home
  • Policing Information in Bedfordshire
  • Electric Bikes and the Law
  • Regular Scams in Bedfordshire
  • Safety with Social Media

  • Hey there, savvy internet user! 

    Today, I want to arm you with some super useful knowledge on how to spot those sneaky fake websites. You know the ones I'm talking about – the ones that try to trick you with their deceptive tactics. But fear not, my friend, because I've got your back!

    These crafty online villains will stop at nothing to make themselves look legit. But worry not, because armed with the right tools, you can easily spot their tricks.

    First things first, keep a keen eye on the website's design and layout. Authentic websites usually have a polished and professional appearance. So, if you stumble upon a site that looks like it was designed by your cousin's five-year-old, well, that's a red flag waving right there!

    Next up, check for a secure connection, especially if you're going to fill in an online form and send your details off. Look for that little padlock symbol in the web address bar and make sure the URL starts with "https" rather than just "http". The "s" is for "secure," my friend. If it's missing, it's time to hit that back button and find a safer place to roam. And let me tell you, just because a website ends in "" it doesn't mean that it is actually in the UK!
        1. Check the URL: Carefully examine the website's URL (web address). Look for any misspellings, added or removed letters, or variations from the legitimate website. Attackers often create URLs that resemble legitimate ones to deceive visitors.
        2. Verify the SSL certificate: Legitimate websites typically have an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate, which encrypts data transmitted between the website and users. Look for the padlock icon in the browser's address bar and ensure the website's URL starts with "https://" instead of "http://". However, note that having an SSL certificate does not guarantee a website's legitimacy, as attackers can also obtain SSL certificates.

    Now, let's talk about the content. Take a closer look at the website's text. Are there any glaring spelling or grammar mistakes? Authentic websites usually have their act together when it comes to language skills. So, if you see a bunch of embarrassing errors, it's a clear sign that something fishy is going on.
        3. Review the website design and layout: Fake websites may have poor design quality, inconsistent branding, or outdated appearance. Look for signs of sloppy design, unusual formatting, or low-resolution images. Legitimate organizations typically invest in professional web design.
        4. Look for trust indicators: Legitimate websites often display trust indicators, such as security seals, privacy policies, or trust badges from reputable organizations. However, keep in mind that these indicators can also be faked, so verify their authenticity by clicking on them and checking if they lead to legitimate certification authorities or organizations.
        5. Evaluate the content: Fake websites may contain poor grammar, spelling errors, or awkwardly written content. Look for any signs of unprofessionalism or inconsistencies that suggest a lack of attention to detail.

    Who to contact? Another telltale sign of a fake website is the absence of contact information. Legitimate websites usually provide clear ways to get in touch with them – think email addresses, phone numbers, or even a good old-fashioned mailing address. If you can't find any of these details, well, it's time to say "adios" to that shady site.
        6. Check for contact information: Genuine websites usually provide clear and easily accessible contact information, such as a physical address, phone number, and email address. If the website lacks such information or provides only generic email addresses (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo), it may be a red flag.

    Last but not least, trust your gut instincts. If a website seems too good to be true, chances are it probably is. If you feel that nagging feeling in the back of your mind telling you to proceed with caution, listen to it! Your intuition is a powerful tool in the battle against fake websites.
        7. Be cautious of unexpected pop-ups or redirects: If a website bombards you with frequent pop-ups or redirects you to unrelated websites, it may be a sign of malicious activity. Legitimate websites typically do not engage in such behaviour.
        8. Check online reviews or reputation: Conduct a quick online search to see if there are any negative reviews or reports about the website. If others have reported it as fake or malicious, it's best to avoid it.

    So, my friend, armed with these tips, you're now equipped to spot those sneaky impostors lurking in the vast expanse of the internet. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and keep on browsing safely. You've got this!


  • Common weak points of a home
  • Policing Information in Bedfordshire
  • Electric Bikes and the Law
  • Regular Scams in Bedfordshire
  • Safety with Social Media

  • Hey there!

    If you have heard of phishing, and thought it was fishing misspelt, then you've come to the right place! To be fair, it's almost the same as fishing. It involves a phisherman or woman dangling something to attract your attention, and basically hoping that you'll take their bait and lead you into revealing all that you can tell them in the hope of defrauding you.

    Phishing is a deceptive cyber attack technique used by malicious actors to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords, usernames, credit card details, or other personal information. Phishing attacks typically occur through fraudulent emails, text messages, or websites that mimic legitimate entities, such as banks, social media platforms, or online services.

    Here's how a typical phishing attack works:

    1. Deceptive communication: Attackers send emails, messages, or create websites that appear to be from a trusted source. They often use familiar logos, branding, or language to deceive recipients into believing the communication is legitimate.

    2. Urgency or fear tactics: Phishing messages often create a sense of urgency or fear to prompt recipients into taking immediate action. For example, they may claim that your account has been compromised or that you need to verify your credentials to avoid account suspension.
        Tell me more about urgency and fear tactics.

    3. Request for sensitive information: The phishing communication typically requests recipients to provide sensitive information by clicking on a link or visiting a fake website. This information could include login credentials, credit card numbers, social security numbers, or other personal details.

    4. Fake websites and forms: Phishing attacks may include links that lead to fraudulent websites that closely resemble the legitimate ones they are impersonating. These websites often contain forms where victims are tricked into entering their sensitive information, which is then captured by the attackers.

    5. Exploitation of human trust: Phishing attacks exploit human psychology and trust. They rely on individuals being unaware of the deception and willingly providing their confidential information.

    It's important to note that phishing attacks continue to evolve, becoming more sophisticated and difficult to detect. Cybercriminals employ various techniques, such as spear phishing (targeting specific individuals or organizations), voice phishing (vishing), and SMS phishing (smishing), to increase their chances of success.

    To protect yourself against phishing attacks:

    1. Be cautious: Exercise caution when opening emails or messages from unknown or untrusted sources. Look for signs of suspicious or inconsistent content, such as spelling or grammatical errors.

    2. Verify the source: Before clicking on any links or providing any sensitive information, independently verify the legitimacy of the sender or website. Use official contact information from trusted sources to reach out and confirm the request.

    3. Check the URL: Hover over links to inspect the URL before clicking on them. Be cautious of URLs that appear slightly different from the legitimate ones or use variations or misspellings.

    4. Don't share sensitive information: Avoid sharing sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details, via email or through unsecured websites. Legitimate organizations will never ask for such information via email.

    5. Keep software up to date: Regularly update your operating system, web browsers, and security software to ensure you have the latest protections against known phishing techniques.

    6. Educate yourself and others: Stay informed about common phishing tactics and educate yourself and your colleagues about the risks. Be vigilant and report any suspicious emails or messages to your organization's IT or security team.

    By being cautious, verifying sources, and adopting security best practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks.

    Common urgency and fear tactics

    In phishing attacks, urgency is a common tactic used by attackers to create a sense of immediate action or fear in the victim. Attackers leverage this urgency to manipulate individuals into bypassing their usual scepticism and quickly responding to fraudulent requests. Here's why urgency is a key element in phishing attacks:

    1. Time pressure: Phishing emails often contain urgent language, such as "Your account will be suspended within 24 hours if you don't act now" or "Immediate action required to prevent unauthorized access." This creates a sense of time sensitivity and prompts the recipient to act without thoroughly evaluating the legitimacy of the request.

    2. Fear of consequences: Attackers exploit the fear of negative consequences to motivate victims into taking immediate action. They may claim that an account has been compromised, a payment is overdue, or some other critical event has occurred. This sense of urgency pushes individuals to provide the requested information quickly to avoid potential harm or loss.

    3. Emotional manipulation: Phishing attackers understand that emotions play a significant role in decision-making. By evoking emotions like fear, anxiety, or concern, they aim to override rational thinking and make individuals more susceptible to their fraudulent requests.

    4. Reduced scrutiny: Urgent messages often lead to reduced scrutiny and critical thinking. When individuals feel pressured to act quickly, they may overlook suspicious elements or warning signs that would typically trigger caution.

    To protect yourself from phishing attacks that employ urgency as a manipulation tactic, consider the following measures:

    a. Pause and evaluate: Take a moment to pause and evaluate the situation before taking any action. Avoid rushing into providing sensitive information or clicking on links.

    b. Verify independently: Independently verify the urgency of the request by contacting the organization or individual through official channels. Use contact information obtained from trusted sources, such as the official website or previous communication.

    c. Check for inconsistencies: Carefully review the email or message for any inconsistencies, such as spelling or grammatical errors, unusual email addresses, or generic greetings. Legitimate organizations typically provide personalized and professional communication.

    d. Don't click on suspicious links: Avoid clicking on links directly from emails or messages. Instead, manually type the legitimate website address into your browser or use bookmarks you have saved previously.

    e. Educate employees: In a corporate setting, provide training and awareness programs to educate employees about phishing tactics, including the use of urgency. Encourage a culture of scepticism and critical thinking when it comes to handling urgent requests.

    By remaining vigilant, staying calm, and verifying the legitimacy of urgent requests, you can protect yourself and your organization from falling victim to phishing attacks that exploit urgency as a manipulative tactic.

    Cyber Security with Password Managers

    Hey there!

    Are you someone who writes your password down on a scrap of paper, and then uses the same password every time you go to a new website? And then maybe you lose the scrap of paper or you find an old one and it's out of date? Well, that, my friend, leaves you wide open to having your account hacked. As it does when you memorise something that anyone else could easily guess at. Ensuring that your social media accounts have strong and unique passwords that are not easily guessable is the first step to being safe online. To help you store them all, consider using a password manager to securely store and generate complex passwords.

    Here's why you should use a password manager:

    Strong and unique passwords: Password managers can generate complex, long and unique passwords for each of your accounts. This eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords and reduces the likelihood of using weak or easily guessable passwords.
        Why complex? Using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters in your password can make it significantly more difficult for hackers to crack. This increases the number of possible combinations they would need to try, making it time-consuming and resource-intensive for them.
        Why long? Longer passwords provide a larger pool of possible combinations, making them more resistant to brute-force attacks. As the length of a password increases, the time and computational power required to crack it also increase exponentially.
        Why unique? Even if a hacker manages to obtain one of your passwords, if you use complex and unique passwords for each of your accounts, they won't be able to easily access your other accounts. This practice of not reusing passwords across multiple platforms is crucial.

    Secure password storage: Password managers securely store your passwords in an encrypted format. This ensures that even if the password manager database is compromised, your passwords remain protected. Additionally, many password managers require a master password or biometric authentication to access your stored passwords, adding an extra layer of security.
        What if someone gets into the master password? Reputable password managers use strong encryption algorithms to encrypt and secure your stored passwords. The master password is used as the encryption key to protect the password database. As long as your master password remains secure, the encrypted password database is highly resistant to unauthorized access.
        Many password managers offer the option to enable 2FA, adding an extra layer of security. This means that even if someone somehow obtains your master password, they would still need the second factor (e.g., a code sent to your mobile device) to access your password manager.
        Some password managers offer the option to store your encrypted password database locally on your devices, rather than in the cloud. This reduces the risk of potential data breaches associated with cloud storage and gives you more control over your data.
        Ensure that you keep your password manager software up to date. Developers frequently release updates to address any potential vulnerabilities and enhance security measures.

    Convenience and ease of use: With a password manager, you only need to remember one master password or use biometric authentication to access all your stored passwords. This makes it easier to maintain strong and unique passwords without the burden of memorizing them.

    Autofill functionality: Password managers often come with autofill functionality, which automatically fills in your login credentials for websites and apps. This saves time and reduces the likelihood of mistyping passwords, minimizing the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks.

    Sync across devices: Most password managers offer synchronization across multiple devices, allowing you to access your passwords from various platforms such as desktops, smartphones, and tablets. This ensures that you have your passwords available when you need them, regardless of the device you're using.

    Additional security features: Some password managers offer additional security features, such as two-factor authentication (2FA) integration or password strength analysis. These features provide an extra layer of protection and help you identify weak or compromised passwords.

    While password managers can significantly enhance your online security, it's important to choose a reputable and trustworthy password manager. Look for password managers that use strong encryption, have a good track record, and receive regular updates to address potential vulnerabilities.

    Here are a few additional measures to further enhance the security of your password manager:

    a. Use a trusted and reputable password manager: Research and choose a password manager that has a strong reputation for security and receives regular updates.

    b. Be cautious of phishing attempts: Be vigilant about phishing attempts that may trick you into revealing your master password. Always verify the authenticity of any requests for your password manager credentials. What is phishing?

    c. Use additional security measures: Consider using biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint, face recognition) or hardware tokens for an added layer of security if your password manager supports these features.

    By following these best practices and taking necessary precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of compromising the security of your password manager and the stored passwords.

    Safety with Social Media

    Hey there!

    No matter how intelligent we are, there's probably at least one thing in this checklist that you're probably thinking, "Yes, I should do that". The thing is WILL YOU? Because the more we do to secure our own safety with social media the better it will be to protect our assets. 

    By following these suggestions and staying informed about emerging threats, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyberattacks. So, let's get right on with some Top Tips for keeping safe with social media.

    1. Use strong, unique passwords: Ensure your social media accounts have strong and unique passwords that are not easily guessable. Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate complex passwords. Learn more about Password managers.
    2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA on your social media accounts whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device, in addition to your password.
    3. Be cautious with friend and connection requests: Only accept friend or connection requests from people you know and trust. Be wary of accepting requests from unknown individuals, as they may have malicious intentions.
    4. Review and adjust privacy settings: Regularly review the privacy settings on your social media accounts. Limit the amount of personal information that is visible to the public or to people you don't know. Be mindful of the information you share, as it can be used for social engineering or identity theft.
    5. Think before you click: Be cautious when clicking on links shared on social media, even if they are from people you know. Links can lead to fake websites or malware-infected pages. Hover over links to check their destination before clicking, and verify the source if you're unsure.
    6. Avoid oversharing: Be mindful of the information you share on social media platforms. Avoid posting personal or sensitive information that could be used for identity theft or social engineering attacks. Remember, what you post online can have long-term consequences.
    7. Regularly update your apps and devices: Keep your social media apps and devices up to date with the latest security patches. Updates often include important security fixes that can help protect you from vulnerabilities.
    8. Be cautious of third-party apps: Be selective when granting access to third-party apps or services through your social media accounts. Only authorize apps from trusted sources and review the permissions they require.
    9. Be wary of phishing attempts: Be cautious of messages, emails, or links that ask for your personal information or login credentials. Phishing attacks are prevalent on social media platforms, so always verify the legitimacy of the sender before sharing any sensitive information.
    10. Ask the question, "Who  is that?" : Regularly review and update your friend or follower lists: Periodically review your connections and remove anyone you no longer recognize or trust. It's important to maintain a smaller, more trusted network to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your information.
    11. Learn how scammers operate: Educate yourself about social engineering tactics. Familiarize yourself with common social engineering techniques, such as impersonation or manipulation, used by cybercriminals to deceive individuals on social media. By being aware, you can better identify and avoid falling victim to such attacks.
    12. Stay informed about platform security features: Keep up to date with the security features offered by the social media platforms you use. Platforms often introduce new security measures, such as enhanced privacy settings or account recovery options, so staying informed ensures you make the most of these features.

    Remember, staying safe on social media requires ongoing vigilance and awareness. Regularly review your privacy settings, be cautious of what you share, and stay informed about the latest security best practices.

    Electric Bikes and the Law: What You Need to Know in Bedfordshire

    Electric Bikes and the Law: What You Need to Know in Bedfordshire

    We've all seen them, haven't we? And we mutter 'look at that numpty on an e-bike.' 'Where's his registration plate?' 'What's he doing riding on the footpath?' 'Is he legal?'

    So, let's talk about electric bikes (e-bikes) in jolly old England. Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty, I have to mention that the regulations might have had a little update since the last time I checked. So, it's always a good idea to stay on top of the latest info, alright?

    Essentially, for electric bikes or ‘electrically assisted pedal cycles’ (EAPCs) you do not need to have a licence to ride one and it does not need to be registered, taxed or insured. Here's the scoop as of the last update:

    1. Power Limit: We have two categories for e-bikes based on their power output. First, we have the Pedelecs (Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles). These babies have a motor with a maximum power rating of 250 watts. The motor will lend a helping hand while you pedal, but it should stop assisting once you hit a speed of 15.5 mph (25 km/h). Then we have the Twist and Go e-bikes. These ones come with a throttle, so you can zip along without having to pedal. To be classified as an e-bike, the motor's max power output should also be 250 watts, and the speed limit is also 15.5 mph (25 km/h).

    Pedelecs - When it comes to pedelecs, you're in luck because usually, you won't need a license to hop on and ride. However, there are a few criteria that these nifty bikes must meet to be considered legal. Let's break it down:

    a) Power Limit: The motor on a pedelec shouldn't exceed a continuous power rating of 250 watts. We want to keep things safe and steady here.

    b) Pedal Assistance: Now, the motor on a pedelec is there to lend you a helping hand while you're pedaling away. It should only provide assistance when you're pedaling and, here's the kicker, the assistance should stop once you hit a speed of 15.5 mph (25 km/h). We want you to enjoy the ride, but let's keep it within a reasonable speed, alright?

    c) Age Restrictions: Now, depending on the specific case, there might be some age restrictions for riding pedelecs. For example, some places might require riders to be at least 14 years old. Safety first, my friend!

    d) Lighting and Reflectors: Just like regular bicycles, pedelecs often need to have lights and reflectors to keep you visible and safe on the road. We want you to be shining bright like a diamond!

    And there you have it! Pedelecs are a great way to get around, and as long as they meet these criteria, you'll be good to go. Stay safe out there and don't forget to enjoy the ride!

    Twist and Go e-bikes: Now, these babies are pretty cool because they let you zoom around without even having to pedal, thanks to that nifty throttle. Now, if they meet a few specific criteria, they're typically classified as Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPCs). The motor on a Twist and Go e-bike shouldn't exceed a maximum continuous power rating of 250 watts. We want to keep things within a reasonable range to ensure safety and smooth sailing. When it comes to speed, here's the catch. The motor assistance should come to a halt once you hit a speed of 15.5 mph (25 km/h). That's to make sure you're not zipping around too fast and keeping things under control.

    2. Age Restrictions: Before you hop on an e-bike, know this: You can ride an electric bike if you’re 14 or over, as long as it meets certain requirements. As for pedelecs it's essential to follow general bicycle safety guidelines, and parents or guardians may set age restrictions based on their judgment.

    3. Insurance and Licensing: Generally, if your e-bike meets the EAPC criteria I just mentioned, you won't need any insurance or a license to ride it. But hey, it's always a good idea to double-check for any changes in the regulations. Better safe than sorry, right? If a bike meets the EAPC requirements it’s classed as a normal pedal bike. This means you can ride it on cycle paths and anywhere else pedal bikes are allowed.

    4. Pedal Cycles vs. Mopeds: Now, here's the deal. If your e-bike goes beyond the power and speed limits we talked about earlier, or if it can go without you pedaling, it might be classified as a moped. And in that case, additional regulations, like licensing and insurance, might come into play. So, keep an eye out for that.

    For electric bikes that don't quite meet the EAPC rules, here's the deal, it's typically classified as a motorcycle or moped. And that means a few extra things come into play. First off, you'll need to register and tax your electric bike. It's just part of the process to keep things official. Plus, you'll also need a driving license to ride one of these bad boys. Safety is key, so you'll have to wear a crash helmet too. Gotta protect that noggin, you know?

    5. Lighting and Reflectors: Just like regular bicycles, e-bikes often need to have lights and reflectors for safety purposes. Gotta make sure you're seen out there on those roads!

    Now, please bear in mind that these regulations might have changed since my last update. So, it's always a good idea to consult the latest source for the most up-to-date information on electric bike regulations in England. Stay in the know, my friend!

    Hope this helps you navigate the e-bike world with ease. Happy riding!

    Don't Fall for the Trap: Unveiling Regular Scams in Bedfordshire

     "Don't Fall for the Trap: Unveiling Regular Scams in Bedfordshire" - Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting innocent individuals in various ways. In this blog post, we'll expose some of the most common scams circulating in Bedfordshire and share tips on how to recognize and avoid them. Arm yourself with knowledge and protect yourself from falling into the traps set by these cunning fraudsters.

    This blog is a stub awaiting an update.

    Your Go-To Guide for Policing Information in Bedfordshire

    Hey there! 👋 

    When it comes to staying in the know about what's happening in your area, it's all about being equipped with the right info. In this blog post, we've got you covered with a whole bunch of resources and websites that will keep you up-to-date on everything related to policing in Bedfordshire. We're talking about crime prevention initiatives, community engagement programs, and all the local police services that you should know about. So buckle up and get ready to feel empowered with the knowledge that'll keep you safe and connected to your community. Let's dive in!

    Discover how Bedfordshire is taking a proactive stance on public safety. This blog post will delve into the various initiatives, programs, and partnerships that the local authorities have established to ensure the well-being of its residents. From community policing efforts to crime prevention campaigns, learn how Bedfordshire is working together to create a safer and more secure environment for all.

    Bedfordshire Police Website: The official website of Bedfordshire Police provides a wealth of information on local policing services, news updates, crime prevention advice, and community engagement initiatives.

    Bedfordshire Police 

    Houghton Regis and Rural

    Office of the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

    Neighbourhood Watch: Neighbourhood Watch schemes play a vital role in community safety. Check your local Neighbourhood Watch website or contact them directly to stay updated on crime prevention initiatives and community events.

    Local Council Websites: The websites of local councils in Bedfordshire often have dedicated sections on community safety, policing, and crime prevention. They may provide information on initiatives, programs, and resources available in your area.

    Central Bedfordshire Council

    Houghton Regis Town Council  | Motorcycle Nuisance | Later Living Social Group | Support and Advice Groups (HRTC) 

    Dunstable Town Council

    Community Safety Partnerships: Bedfordshire's Community Safety Partnerships work to reduce crime, tackle antisocial behaviour, and improve community safety. Their websites offer information on local initiatives, campaigns, and resources. Safer Central has representatives from five statutory partners:

    BedsVERU:  Building a network of statutory agencies, charities, and communities to tackle the root causes of serious violence and criminal exploitation in Bedfordshire. Website. Twitter.

    Social Media Platforms: Many police forces and community organizations use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share updates, crime prevention advice, and engage with the public. Following the relevant accounts can keep you informed.

    Dunstable and Houghton Regis Community Policing Team (Facebook)

    Bedfordshire Police (Facebook)

    Bedfordshire Police (X, formerly Twitter)

    BedsPolice Cohesion  (X, formerly Twitter) Community Cohesion officers tweeting. Dedicated to integrating Police and Community.

    BCH Police Dogs  (X, formerly Twitter)

    BCH Road Policing Unit  (X, formerly Twitter) 

    Houghton Regis Town Council Social Media  | Houghton Regis TC Social Media Groups | Houghton Regis Youth Services (Facebook)

    Dunstable Town Council (Facebook)

    Local News Outlets: Stay updated on local policing news by regularly checking local news outlets, both online and in print. They often cover crime reports, community events, and police initiatives.

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    Talk of the Town – Dunstable Town Council

    Thursday 16 November 2023

    Secure Doors

    Hey there! 

    If you've ever watched one of those action-packed police videos, you probably know just how easily they can bust through a locked door with a battering ram. It's a heavy-duty tool made of metal or wood, designed to give that door a serious wallop until it gives in. So, yeah, determined folks can definitely find their way inside if they really want to.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to burglars, they can get pretty crafty with the tools they use to break into doors. Maybe you've seen a locksmith in action, picking locks or using a bump key or even a drill to get the job done? Those tools and others could be used by the less-than-honest crowd. Now, just to be clear, we're not here to promote any illegal activities, like burglary. We're strictly focused on educational purposes here.

    While we don't have specific statistics on the types of doors that are forced open, it's generally observed that burglars tend to target doors that are easier to break into. You know, the ones made of wood or with weak locks or frames. It's important to keep that in mind when it comes to securing your own space.

    Stay safe and secure out there!

    Several types of doors are known for their enhanced security features. The best types of doors to improve security include:

    1. Solid Wood Doors: Solid wood doors are sturdy and difficult to break through. They offer good resistance against forced entry and are more durable compared to hollow core doors. Find out more about improving wooden doors.

    2. Steel Doors: Steel doors are highly secure and provide excellent protection against intruders. They are made of reinforced steel sheets and are extremely difficult to kick in or break down. 

    Steel doors are relatively easy to find in the UK, as numerous suppliers and manufacturers are offering a wide range of options. They can be purchased through various channels, including local hardware stores, specialized door suppliers, or online retailers.

    The cost of steel doors can vary depending on several factors, such as the size, design, and additional features. On average, a basic steel door without any customization can range from £200 to £500. However, more high-end or customized steel doors can cost anywhere from £500 to £1500 or more.

    It is advisable to research and compare prices from different suppliers to find the best deal that suits your requirements and budget.

    3. Fiberglass Doors: Fiberglass doors are strong, durable, and resistant to weather conditions. They are often designed with multiple layers, making them difficult to penetrate. Fiberglass doors can be purchased from various suppliers, including home improvement stores, door manufacturers, and online retailers. Size, style, design, and additional features affect the price which can range from £300 to £1500 or more. Basic, standard-sized fibreglass doors without any customization tend to be more affordable, while larger or more decorative options can be more expensive.

    4. Security Doors: These doors are specifically designed for enhanced security. They usually feature reinforced frames, multiple locks, and unbreakable glass. Security doors are often made of steel or aluminium. These doors can be purchased from home improvement stores, security companies, and online retailers. Again, price varies depending on factors such as the level of security provided, the material used, and any additional features. On average, a basic security door can cost anywhere from £200 to £500, while more advanced and high-security options can range from £500 to £1500 or more. 

    5. Solid Core Doors: Solid core doors are made of composite materials, such as particleboard or solid wood, covered with a veneer. They are heavier and more secure than hollow core doors. On average, a basic security door can cost anywhere from £200 to £500, while more advanced and high-security options can range from £500 to £1500 or more. 

    6. Reinforced Glass Doors: Doors with reinforced glass, such as laminated or tempered glass, provide an extra layer of security. These types of glass are difficult to break and can withstand significant force. Learn more about Reinforced Glass Doors.

    Remember, in addition to choosing a secure door, it's important to ensure proper installation, use high-quality locks, and consider additional security measures like security cameras or alarms for comprehensive home security.

    Reinforced Glass Doors

    Reinforced glass doors, also known as safety glass doors or security glass doors, are designed with one important goal in mind: to enhance security and safety. These doors are commonly found in commercial buildings, high-security areas, and places where added protection against break-ins or accidents is crucial.

    There are two main types of reinforced glass used in these doors: tempered glass and laminated glass.

    Tempered glass is created by subjecting regular glass to a rapid heating and cooling process. This strengthens the glass and makes it more resistant to impact. One of the great things about tempered glass is that when it shatters, it breaks into small, relatively harmless pieces, reducing the risk of injury.

    Laminated glass, on the other hand, involves sandwiching a layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) between two or more layers of glass. These layers are bonded together under heat and pressure. The beauty of laminated glass is that even if it breaks, it remains intact, thanks to the interlayer, which prevents the glass from falling apart. This provides an added layer of security and safety. Car windscreens typically use laminated glass.

    So, what are the advantages of having reinforced glass doors?

    First and foremost, they offer enhanced security compared to regular glass doors. The tempered or laminated glass is more resistant to forced entry, making it harder for intruders to break through.

    In terms of safety, if the glass does break, tempered glass shatters into small, less dangerous pieces, while laminated glass stays in one piece, preventing shards from scattering. This makes reinforced glass doors safer for everyone inside.

    Reinforced glass doors also allow natural light to pass through, maintaining transparency and visibility. They can really enhance the aesthetics of a space by creating an open and bright environment.

    Additionally, these doors can provide improved sound insulation compared to traditional glass doors. The extra layers and thickness of the glass help reduce noise transmission, which is especially handy in areas where noise control is important.

    Now, it's important to note that while reinforced glass doors offer increased security, they're not completely impenetrable. Determined intruders armed with specialized tools or heavy objects may still find a way to breach them given enough time. That's why it's crucial to consider comprehensive security measures alongside reinforced glass doors, such as security systems, access control, and surveillance.

    When it comes to installing reinforced glass doors, it's essential to consider factors like the door frame, locking mechanisms, and overall door construction to ensure the highest level of security and functionality. Consulting with a professional or reputable door manufacturer can help you choose the right type of reinforced glass door for your specific needs.

    So there you have it! Reinforced glass doors are designed to provide that extra layer of security and safety while still maintaining transparency and aesthetics. They're a fantastic choice for those looking for enhanced protection without compromising on style.

    Let's look at some reasons for choosing laminated glass:

    Let's explore the fantastic features of laminated glass and why it's such a popular choice in various applications.

    👍 When it comes to safety, laminated glass really shines. Even if it breaks due to an impact or collision, the interlayer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) holds the glass fragments together, preventing them from scattering. This not only reduces the risk of injuries to anyone nearby but also keeps the glass intact, providing an extra layer of safety and security.

    👍 Speaking of security, laminated glass takes it up a notch compared to other types of glass. The strong interlayer makes it more challenging to break through, making it an excellent deterrent against forced entry and vandalism. That's why you'll often find laminated glass in places where security is a top priority, like banks, jewellery stores, and government buildings.

    👍 Durability is another standout feature of laminated glass. It's highly resistant to impact, making it less prone to breakage from accidental impacts, storms, or high winds. This durability factor makes it a fantastic choice for applications where glass strength and longevity matter, such as skylights, balconies, and glass facades.

    👍 When it comes to design, laminated glass offers a world of possibilities. You can customize it with various interlayer colours, patterns, and textures to achieve specific aesthetic effects. This design versatility makes it a popular choice for architectural applications where both safety and design considerations are crucial.

    👍 Let's not forget about the sun! The PVB interlayer in laminated glass provides significant UV protection. It blocks a good amount of harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from entering a vehicle or building, keeping those inside protected from the sun's rays. This not only helps prevent skin damage but also reduces fading of interior fabrics like artwork, carpets, and curtains. Plus, it helps keep the inside space cooler, which is always a bonus.

    👍 Last but not least, laminated glass provides some excellent sound insulation. Its construction helps reduce outside noise transmission into the building, enhancing overall comfort. So if you're looking to create a serene and peaceful environment, laminated glass is a smart choice.

    All in all, laminated glass is a superstar when it comes to safety, security, durability, design versatility, UV protection, and sound insulation. Its unique features and benefits make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. Whether you're looking to protect and secure a space or add a touch of style, laminated glass has got you covered!

    And now, some reasons for choosing tempered glass:

    👍 First and foremost, safety is a top priority when it comes to tempered glass. It's designed to be much stronger and safer than regular glass. When it does break, which is quite rare, it shatters into small, rounded pieces that are far less likely to cause serious injury compared to sharp shards. This property makes it a go-to choice for areas where human safety is a concern, like shower enclosures, glass tabletops, and vehicle side windows.

    👍 Strength and durability are also big selling points for tempered glass. It's about four to five times stronger than regular glass of the same thickness. That means it can handle higher levels of impact and thermal stress, making it less likely to break or crack. This strength and durability make it perfect for applications where resistance to breakage is crucial, such as glass doors, glass partitions, and glass shelves.

    👍 Tempered glass also has excellent heat resistance properties. It can withstand high temperatures without breaking or undergoing significant thermal expansion. So if you have a kitchen with a hot oven, a stovetop, or a cosy fireplace, tempered glass is your best friend.

    👍 The unique manufacturing process of tempered glass involves rapid cooling, which creates surface compression and internal tension within the glass. This gives the tempered glass its special strength characteristics. It also means that it can handle rapid temperature changes without easily breaking, making it less prone to thermal breakage compared to regular glass.

    👍 In many building codes and safety regulations, tempered glass is actually required in specific applications to ensure the safety of occupants. This includes areas where the risk of impact is higher or where human safety is a concern, like doors, windows close to the floor, and large glass panels.

    👍 And let's not forget about aesthetics! Tempered glass can be customized with various finishes, tints, and decorative patterns, offering design versatility. It provides transparency and clarity while adding a sleek and modern touch to architectural and interior design applications.

    👎Now, it's important to note that tempered glass, while strong and safe, isn't easily repairable or modifiable once it has undergone the tempering process. If it does break, the whole panel typically needs to be replaced. Additionally, tempered glass can't be cut or drilled after tempering, so any necessary modifications should be done before the tempering process.

    All in all, tempered glass is a real winner, favoured for its safety, strength, durability, heat resistance, compliance with safety regulations, and aesthetic appeal. Its reliability and suitability for numerous applications have made it a go-to choice across various industries. So, if you're looking for glass that can handle the heat (literally) and still keep everyone safe, tempered glass is the way to go!

     .... Back to Security Doors

    Wooden Doors

    Several weak points in a home's security can be exploited by intruders. Some common weak points include doors. Poorly constructed or weak doors can be easily kicked in or forced open. Hollow-core doors are particularly vulnerable. 

    There are several features of a wooden doors that can make them stronger:

    1. Solid Core: A wooden door with a solid core, made from a single piece of solid wood or a composite material, will be stronger and more resistant to break-ins compared to a hollow-core door.

    2. Thickness: Thicker doors are generally stronger as they provide more resistance to force and impact. Standard interior doors are typically 1-3/8 inches thick, while exterior doors are usually 1-3/4 inches thick.

    3. Reinforcements: Adding reinforcements such as metal plates or bars within the door can significantly increase its strength. These reinforcements can be installed in the lock area, hinge area, or along the full length of the door.

    4. High-quality wood: Choosing a dense and sturdy wood species, such as oak, mahogany, or walnut*, can enhance the strength of the door. These hardwoods are less prone to warping, splitting, or cracking.

    5. Proper construction: A well-constructed wooden door with strong joinery techniques, such as mortise and tenon or dowel joints, will have increased strength and durability.

    6. Impact-resistant glass: If the door has glass panels, using impact-resistant or laminated glass can make it more resistant to breakage and intrusion attempts.

    7. Reinforced edges: Reinforcing the edges of the door with metal strips or edge guards can prevent splitting or splintering during forced entry attempts.

    It's important to note that while these features can enhance the strength of a wooden door, no door is completely impervious to break-ins. Additional security measures like high-quality locks, deadbolts, and a sturdy door frame are also crucial for overall security.

    * Generally, oak is considered to be cheaper compared to mahogany and walnut. Oak is widely available and commonly used in furniture making, which makes it more affordable. Mahogany and walnut, on the other hand, are considered to be more expensive due to their limited availability and higher demand. Additionally, mahogany and walnut are known for their desirable qualities such as rich colours and attractive grain patterns, which also contribute to their higher price.

    Back to ... Security Doors | Glass Doors

    Stay One Step Ahead: Top Tips for Securing Your Home and Property in Bedfordshire

    Let's talk about how we can fortify our homes and protect our valuable belongings from potential threats. There are a few weak points that intruders may try to exploit, but don't worry! We've got some practical advice and actionable tips to help you beef up your home security.

    Alright, let's dive into this! When it comes to protecting your home, having a robust security system is an absolute game-changer. Picture this: security cameras, motion sensors, and alarms working together to create multiple layers of protection. Not only do they act as a deterrent, but they also provide you with solid evidence in case anything fishy goes down.

    Now, let's talk about securing those entry points. It's crucial to make sure your doors and windows are made of sturdy materials and have reliable locks. Consider beefing them up with deadbolts or smart locks for that extra oomph. Oh, and don't forget about those sliding glass doors! Reinforce them with a bar or rod to give potential intruders a run for their money.

    Lighting is another secret weapon in the battle against burglars. Nobody likes to do their shady business under a spotlight, right? So, installing motion-activated lights around your property is a brilliant idea. Not only does it make your home less appealing to unwanted guests, but it also adds a touch of ambience.

    Now, let's tackle those pesky scams. Stay on high alert and be cautious of unsolicited visitors or phone calls. Never give out personal information or let strangers into your home without proper verification. If someone claims to be from a utility company or a service provider, do your due diligence and double-check their identity before granting them access.

    Maintenance is key, my friend! Keep those bushes and trees near your home in check. Overgrown greenery can provide cover for intruders, and we don't want that. Also, make sure your security systems are up to snuff. Test your alarms regularly, and ensure those security cameras are doing their job without any hiccups.

    Let's not forget about building a strong community. Get to know your neighbours and create a network where you all look out for each other. It's like having your own personal security squad! Trustworthy neighbours can make a world of difference in keeping your home safe and sound.

    Oh, and before we wrap this up, let's talk about your cars. Lock 'em up, my friend! Don't leave any valuable items in plain sight. Park in well-lit areas whenever possible, and consider adding an extra layer of protection with a car alarm or a handy-dandy tracking device.

    By following these steps and staying in the loop, you're taking proactive measures to ensure your home, property, and cars are well-protected. So, keep that peace of mind intact and make your safety a top priority. You've got this! 

    Some common weak points of a home include:

    1. Doors: Poorly constructed or weak doors can be easily kicked in or forced open. Hollow-core doors are particularly vulnerable. Find out more about secure doors.

    2. Windows: Windows that are left open or unlocked can be easily accessed by intruders. Older windows with weak locks or frames can also be a weak point. Find out more about secure windows.

    3. Locks: Weak or easily pickable locks can be bypassed by skilled intruders. Poorly installed or maintained locks can also be vulnerable. Find out more about secure Locks.

    4. Sliding glass doors: These doors can be easily lifted off their tracks or forced open if not properly secured. Find out more about securing sliding glass doors.

    5. Garage doors: Garage doors that are left open or have weak locks can provide easy access to the home. Find out more about secure garage doors.

    6. Outdoor lighting: Poorly lit exteriors provide hiding spots for intruders. A lack of motion-sensor lights or well-placed lighting can make it easier for intruders to go unnoticed. Find out more about outdoor lighting.

    7. Security systems: Outdated or poorly maintained security systems can be easily disabled or bypassed by intruders. Find out more about security systems.

    8. Lack of surveillance: Lack of security cameras or surveillance systems can make it difficult to identify intruders or deter them from targeting the home.  Find out more about surveillance.

    9. Unsecured entry points: Basement windows, attic entrances, and other less commonly used entry points may be overlooked when securing a home.  Find out more about unsecured entry points.

    10. Social media and online presence: Sharing too much information about vacation plans or being too public about personal details can make a home an easy target for burglars. Find out more about staying safe on social media and your online presence.

    It is important to identify and address these weak points to enhance the overall security of a home.

    Tuesday 19 September 2023

    Free Driver Learning Courses at Millbrook

    Are you aged between 16-30 and do you fancy driving around a famous test track? If yes, book onto one of these CBC courses, and what's more they are free! 
    Central Bedfordshire Council are running 2 sessions on 29 September 2023. They're at the Millbrook Training Ground near Bedford.
    Availability — Check now!

    What You Need to Know

    The courses are free to residents of Central Bedfordshire.

    Friday 15 September 2023

    Trident Drive

    In Roman mythology, Neptune, the Roman God of the Sea, carried a Trident, which had three prongs and rode on a Dolphin or a horse.

    Fenced children's play area, multi play, fireman's pole, bridge.
    Managed by Central Bedfordshire Council.
    Please contact CBC customer service team on 0300 300 8000 and ask for the play sites officer, if you spot something that needs addressing.

    Sunday 10 September 2023

    Cemetery Road: Petrol Station Thumbs Down

    Members of the public turned out in strength to voice their disapproval of a planning application for a Petrol Filling Station on the site of the former Netto store, currently being run as a Morrison's store in Cemetery Road.

    The earliest decision on Planning Application CB/12/02909/FULL will be taken on 16 / 09 / 2012. The decision will be made by Central Bedfordshire Council.

    Apart from the Town Council, other consultees include a) Highways Team b) Rights of Way Officer - Central South c) Disability Discrimination Officer d) Public Protection South e) Bedfordshire Police.
    Public comments are encouraged; Click the link below and look for "Submit A Public Online Comment". CB/12/02909/FULL.  (search at )

    Friday 8 September 2023

    Chilterns Conservation Volunteers and Path Clearance Volunteers

    When footpaths get blocked by vegetation, or fallen trees, or when streams start eroding the footpaths, who do you think cuts the vegetation back, removes the fallen trees, or fixes the path so that streams don't cause an issue? Well, mostly it's done by volunteers. People who care about the countryside and want to spend a few hours helping out, getting some fresh air, and meeting new people.

    Path Clearance Volunteers (PMVs) from the Chiltern Society have in the past :
    • cleared path HR44, a bridle/cycle/walking path that closely follows the line of the A5 dual carriageway in Houghton Regis.
    • Near Toddington PMVs  have tidied up vegetation, removed dead wood, removed overhanging branches, cut down stumps and other trip hazards, cleared moss and other growth off a bridge.
    • on HR24 & 31, Chiltern Way / Icknield Way repaired a handrail and uprights to a long flight of steps down, pared back the vegetation, and litter picking.

    North Chilterns Conservation Volunteers

    Meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month 10am-1pm

    North Chilterns Conservation Volunteers are one of the Chiltern Society’s ‘roving’ wildlife conservation groups. We work on a variety of wildlife sites across the North Chilterns supporting our partners in practical habitat management works from grassland and woodland management to invasive species control and access improvements. Training, tools and equipment is provided and all welcome so please get in touch if you would like come along or find out a bit more.  

    Meeting place: TBC

    New volunteers are always welcome. For more information, please contact the group leaders Andy and Kath Davis, or 07837 161532

    Be A Volunteer

    North Chilterns Path Maintenance Volunteers
    Meeting times TBC

    Footpath maintenance work in varying locations in the Chilterns areas of Dacorum and Central Beds. Typically vegetation clearance, way marker post, fencing, gate and steps repair/installation. 

    Meeting place: Varying locations

    New volunteers are always welcome. For more information, please contact the group leader Phil Armstrong,   07786 251296

    follow this link to get involved.


    The Chiltern Society has a network of volunteer path reps who monitor the rights of way in their parish by walking them at least twice a year and also carrying out very light maintenance work to ensure that footpaths and bridleways are kept as accessible as possible.
    There are vacancies for Path Reps in the Central Beds parishes around Luton including Barton, Streatley, Houghton Regis and Caddington. Find out more.

    Overgrown sections of pathways cleared by volunteers at Sewell

    10 Aug 2022
    On 3rd August, a group of 13 North Chiltern Path Clearance Volunteers met at Sewell Manor, Sewell Lane, Houghton Regis to begin the days task.

    Work was carried out on 2 overgrown sections of footpath HR24 (Chiltern Way and Icknield Way). In the first section from Sewell Lane to the field edge, vegetation was cleared and where possible the 1.5m width was restored. Overhanging branches were removed.  The volunteers were thanked by the landowners on either side of the path.

    The second section from the other side of the field involved some vegetation clearance and removal of small dead trees and overhanging branches. The surface of the path is very uneven due to numerous potholes mainly caused by historic rabbit burrowing. Some of these were infilled in spite of the ground being rock hard.  Some care was taken on this second section as the attending and grateful landowners wanted very little clearance towards their boundary on the right-hand side of the path. The main work was therefore carried out on the field, left hand, side of the path. Work was also carried out on the stiles on either side of the field to remove ivy and encroaching vegetation. The tops of the upright posts were painted yellow to make them more visible to walkers crossing the field.

     Afterwards, 8 of the volunteers lunched at The Red Lion, Dagnall on their way home.