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Sunday, 15 December 2013
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Houghton Regis Day Care Centre - Growing Project Blossoms
A celebration event was held in Houghton Regis on Tuesday this week to mark the first season of a new growing project for people with a learning disability.
The gardening project has been running since March 2013. Customers at the Townsend Day Centre have been involved in a weekly horticultural and therapeutic gardening session. Additionally, the group improved their communication, socialisation and independent living skills.
Over the last 30 weeks, 15 customers from the Day Centre have each learnt about different aspects of gardening; maintaining soil, the importance of watering, sowing seeds, nurturing plants and harvesting crops.
The project received funding from Baily Thomas Charitable Trust, Central Bedfordshire Council, Houghton Regis Town Council, Tesco Charity Trust, Boots plc, and Mrs Karen Lara. The project was set up by Central Bedfordshire Council and local environmental charity Groundwork Luton & Bedfordshire.
The gardening project has been running since March 2013. Customers at the Townsend Day Centre have been involved in a weekly horticultural and therapeutic gardening session. Additionally, the group improved their communication, socialisation and independent living skills.
Over the last 30 weeks, 15 customers from the Day Centre have each learnt about different aspects of gardening; maintaining soil, the importance of watering, sowing seeds, nurturing plants and harvesting crops.
The project received funding from Baily Thomas Charitable Trust, Central Bedfordshire Council, Houghton Regis Town Council, Tesco Charity Trust, Boots plc, and Mrs Karen Lara. The project was set up by Central Bedfordshire Council and local environmental charity Groundwork Luton & Bedfordshire.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
The Reconstruction of Poynters Road
03 Aug 2013
The main road serving Houghton Regis is currently mid-way through its 11-week closure.
The entire road is being dug up, and re-made, a new cycle/pedestrian path is going in, new gulleys, kerbs, and dropped kerbs.
Many residents are paying for remade driveways. A Facebook Page was set up to inform everyone what's going on.
These are some images I took on this day.
These are some images I took on this day.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Clearing Rubbish From the Ward - Very Enjoyable!
Spent much of the day helping other volunteers to fill some 15 sacks of rubbish - mainly crisp packets, plastic bottles and fizzy drink cans - and we removed sundry larger items from an area of our Parkside ward in Houghton Regis. Apart from the fact I've scratched my hand, and been stung by nettles, I quite enjoyed doing it.
The project was lead by Parkside ward Town Councillors, Peter Carrington and myself, as part of the HOUGHTON REGIS TOWN COUNCIL VISION 2011 – 2015, part of which is to enhance public places by facilitating community litter picks.
The approximate area cleared was Brentwood Close, and Enfield Close, including a community garden by Sundon Road crossing, which had fallen into a dreadful state.
Now, if we can just start getting a few more volunteers to come forward.
In Houghton Regis, Parkside town councillors are planning to lead a community litter picking session, next Tuesday. Depending on how successful this is, further community litter picking will be organised. Meeting in Brentwood Close from 11am to 3pm.
There's a lot of litter around. It's as good a place as any to make a start. Let's hope this generates a bit of pride in the area.
The project was lead by Parkside ward Town Councillors, Peter Carrington and myself, as part of the HOUGHTON REGIS TOWN COUNCIL VISION 2011 – 2015, part of which is to enhance public places by facilitating community litter picks.
The approximate area cleared was Brentwood Close, and Enfield Close, including a community garden by Sundon Road crossing, which had fallen into a dreadful state.
Now, if we can just start getting a few more volunteers to come forward.
You know what they say, from little acorns grow large trees. So now I wait to hear from the townsfolk if there is an area of town they'd like to volunteer to help clear up.
EARLIER - 12 April 2013
In Houghton Regis, Parkside town councillors are planning to lead a community litter picking session, next Tuesday. Depending on how successful this is, further community litter picking will be organised. Meeting in Brentwood Close from 11am to 3pm.
Litter picking sticks will be available, if anyone has their own, fine. Helpers might also wear gardening gloves.
There's a lot of litter around. It's as good a place as any to make a start. Let's hope this generates a bit of pride in the area.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Proposed Temporary Road Closure- High Street, Houghton Regis
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High Street, Houghton Regis |
There is a Temporary Road Closure proposal at the above location to enable resurfacing works to be carried out in safety. Details are listed in the schedule below and having assessed the application the Streetworks Co-ordinator for Bedfordshire Highways is satisfied the request is justified.
An alternative route for this closure has been devised as below. The restrictions are to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover a four-month period. Access may be allowed from time to time according to local signing.
If you have any observations you wish to make could you please let me know as soon as possible so that I can pass them on for you.
Closure Dates
The closure is expected to take place for 8 Nights from
- 8th to 10th May 2013 and
- 13th May to 17th May 2013
Alternative Route
Proceed along the High Street in an Easterly direction continuing on to East End. At roundabout take 3rd exit on to Park Road North. At first roundabout take second exit and continue along Park Road North. At second roundabout take second exit on to Poynters Road and continue to A505 roundabout, take third exit on to A505 and continue to A5 Junction. At crossroads turn right and continue along A5 to Houghton Road junction. At Traffic Lights turn right on to Houghton Road and continue on to site and vice versa.NB. The applicant will be responsible for taking down all Central Bedfordshire Council public notices immediately after the works requiring the Order have been completed.
Cllr Alan D Winter
Bedfordshire Highways Representative, Houghton Regis Town Council
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Rubbish Strewn Everywhere : Is this how you treat your house?
This is how modern Hougton Regis rolls. Never mind that it's HR. It could be anywhere in this country. Took this image and reported for clearing up two days ago. So sad.
There's even a dumped carpet behind the bush, centre.
You could walk down that path all the way into Luton and it is strewn with litter. Had a call from Amey this morning. They were going to take a look. Thanks guys.
But really, I was brought up to treat the outdoors like I treat my house; I guess some folk's houses leave a lot to be desired.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Empty Garages in Houghton Regis
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Parkside: Photographed in 2007 |
I wonder if anyone is looking for a garage in Houghton Regis?
Two years ago I was told in a Freedom of Information request that Central Bedfordshire Council owned 1,016 garages in Houghton Regis, of which 565 of them were boarded up, and apparently a waiting list of only 25.
Is that not an appalling waste of resources? The ones left derelict seem to attract vandalism, or graffiti, or worse.
A garage is certainly a safer place for a vehicle than being left out in the street for all and sundry to tamper with. It's not a great place to leave valuable items unless they are bolted down, or chained to the walls. And police are often repeating crime reduction warnings to make garages more secure, and to secure the contents left in a garage.
I've heard the argument that most of the garages were built for smaller cars, and are not designed for modern vehicles. Well, I used to park a Mondeo Estate in my council-sized garage, so I don't buy that argument, but I suppose it all depends on your driving skills. And some have been constructed in awkward corners.
Anyway, the main point: Too many unused garages. The Council should draw up plans to re-use these sites, or else refurbish and re-let the garages. If no one really wants them, then the space should be re-utilised to make affordable homes for local residents.
Garages Boarded up While Waiting List Exists - 8/8/2012
Central Bedfordshire Council have a waiting list of 162 for a council garage. In Houghton Regis the Council owns 482 garages, 273 are rented out, and 43 are boarded up. In Dunstable the Council owns 666 garages, 246 are rented out and 80 boarded up. Parkside Houghton Regis town councillor, Alan Winter, obtained the figures through a Freedom of Information request. Cllr Winter commented, "It's a great shame that in our town 43 are boarded up while a waiting list exists. I used to park a Mondeo in a garage the size of a typical estate garage, so I don't buy the argument that garages are too small. A garage is the best place for a car for security, and they should be used. I shall be asking the Central Bedfordshire Council to step up its efforts to bring the boarded garages back into use." 8 Aug 2012
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Houghton Regis Quarry gets new Signposting
Invited to attend with CBC councillors Jones and Mrs Goodchild, two local residents, a CBC officer, a chap from the quarry owners (St Francis Group), and two guys from Stevenage Signs, this morning.
Met top of Millers Way, and waited an hour for the Signage guys to get there (!) ... eventually we sorted out some locations for the warning signs, and left the sign guys to put them up.
I suppose the main point to make is that the pathway is not adopted, so is not the responsibility of Central Beds Council. The CBC officer was merely there to facilitate a meeting between residents and the site owners.
"Beware of falling off the cliff edge"
The Quarry, Houghton Regis.
Monday, 11 February 2013
HRN1 Comments: More Needs Doing to Decrease Car Dependency
Last night, the Town Council Planning and Licensing Committee reviewed the preliminary plans for HRN1, the major housing development site north of Houghton Regis expected to include over 5,000 homes. In my remarks, I focused on reducing car dependency in this new community.
While the current plans reference walking and cycling routes, more can be done to minimize car use. I suggested the developers explore options like a carpool system, especially for higher-density areas, and a shuttle bus to connect residents to Leagrave train station. Similar programs have worked well elsewhere. Offerings like these could make HRN1 more appealing to buyers who value sustainability.
Thinking more broadly about transportation planning for Central Bedfordshire, I also proposed a park-and-ride facility near the future M1 Junction 11a. This could encourage locals and visitors alike to use coaches and public transit rather than contributing to traffic congestion in the Luton-Dunstable-Houghton Regis area.
Additionally, I asked that alternative routes be built around shopping areas. This way, necessary road works won’t force major detours.
My colleagues raised valid points about the lack of land allocated for a cemetery or places of worship. The cash generating schemes like a car showroom and a supermarket had been specifically mentioned at this early stage. Isn't it telling that a loss-making community facility like a chapel or a cemetery, is too far down the developers thinking to be included at this stage?
While other councillors offered insightful feedback as well, it would be inappropriate for me to attribute specific comments to them here, as per council rules. The full remarks will be published pending approval.
At the foot of the page, click "Submit a Public Online Comment", and then click If you do not have a reference number click here"
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Zebra Crossings: A Passion for Central Refuges
This week I had correspondence with the Highway Authority for Bedfordshire, and with Central Bedfordshire Council Development Control officials. Copying in various CBC councillors. I was concerned about the impending works due to start tomorrow in Houghton Regis High Street.
When complete, the scheme, a Section 278 agreement, for road works in conjunction with Morrison's new large supermarket, will provide 8 new zebra crossings, where previously there had been just 3 pelican crossings. Part of the scheme is illustrated here.
Looking back to the record of the Planning and Licensing committee of the Town Council in October 2010, I can see that we recorded concern at the proximity of some of the 'pelican' crossings to roundabouts. Where 'pelican' came from, I'm not sure, because the scheme shows zebra's. For myself, I do recall commenting that they were zebra crossings.
At the time we probably concentrated a lot more on the plethora of paperwork to do with the store, the car park, and the access points. Nevertheless, the point was made about crossings being too close to roundabouts. But, I think, whatever sort of crossing, there was an unquestioned belief that central refuge's would also be provided with these crossings. After all, as with the present pelican crossing below, we already had a refuge. Why would this new scheme offer less protection to pedestrians?
The Bedford Road, Houghton Regis, was converted to a zebra late last year. The old central refuge was removed, the zebra installed a bit further back from the roundabout than previous position, but without a central refuge. There was an instant outcry from the public saying it was too close to the roundabout for such a long crossing. Newspapers have twice reported knock-downs of pedestrians since then, in Bedford Road.
CBC's Development Control apparently asked for the crossing to be moved even further back from the roundabout "before Christmas". But nothing appeared to happen. The revised plan I was privy to seemed to call for the zebra to be removed back down the road about 3/4 the width of the crossing. Maybe it was or is being moved. But I don't think people will spot that it's been moved. So we're still likely to have an outcry.
Somewhere near the keep left sign above, a crossing is due to be installed, without a central refuge. I am very concerned that when traffic comes off this roundabout that they will not have a clear view of a pedestrian standing over on the right-hand side of the road. Traffic will emerge from Bedford Road (on the right of this picture above) and will not necessarily have a good sight line to pedestrians. In the picture below, looking from the other direction, you could try to make your own estimation of sight, on perhaps a dull, wet day with rain lashing at the windscreen.
Can I tell you, dear reader, I'm currently being advised by Highways that in Houghton Regis the road is not too wide, and therefore people do not need a refuge. So why am I so passionately in favour of refuges?
Here's why. When I lived in Hemel Hempstead for over 30 years, the local zebra crossing in Queensway close to a roundabout, had a refuge and still has. A fairly narrow road, taking a significant amount of traffic, but IT HAS A REFUGE that
Closer to home there are dozens of examples where central refuges are provided. Here's one in West Street Dunstable:
So, why can't we have central refuges, too, in Houghton Regis?
When complete, the scheme, a Section 278 agreement, for road works in conjunction with Morrison's new large supermarket, will provide 8 new zebra crossings, where previously there had been just 3 pelican crossings. Part of the scheme is illustrated here.
Looking back to the record of the Planning and Licensing committee of the Town Council in October 2010, I can see that we recorded concern at the proximity of some of the 'pelican' crossings to roundabouts. Where 'pelican' came from, I'm not sure, because the scheme shows zebra's. For myself, I do recall commenting that they were zebra crossings.
At the time we probably concentrated a lot more on the plethora of paperwork to do with the store, the car park, and the access points. Nevertheless, the point was made about crossings being too close to roundabouts. But, I think, whatever sort of crossing, there was an unquestioned belief that central refuge's would also be provided with these crossings. After all, as with the present pelican crossing below, we already had a refuge. Why would this new scheme offer less protection to pedestrians?
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Pelican crossing with central refuge is due to be replaced with a zebra and no refuge. |
The Bedford Road, Houghton Regis, was converted to a zebra late last year. The old central refuge was removed, the zebra installed a bit further back from the roundabout than previous position, but without a central refuge. There was an instant outcry from the public saying it was too close to the roundabout for such a long crossing. Newspapers have twice reported knock-downs of pedestrians since then, in Bedford Road.
CBC's Development Control apparently asked for the crossing to be moved even further back from the roundabout "before Christmas". But nothing appeared to happen. The revised plan I was privy to seemed to call for the zebra to be removed back down the road about 3/4 the width of the crossing. Maybe it was or is being moved. But I don't think people will spot that it's been moved. So we're still likely to have an outcry.
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The width of this road in Houghton Regis is due to get a zebra crossing without a central refuge. |
Somewhere near the keep left sign above, a crossing is due to be installed, without a central refuge. I am very concerned that when traffic comes off this roundabout that they will not have a clear view of a pedestrian standing over on the right-hand side of the road. Traffic will emerge from Bedford Road (on the right of this picture above) and will not necessarily have a good sight line to pedestrians. In the picture below, looking from the other direction, you could try to make your own estimation of sight, on perhaps a dull, wet day with rain lashing at the windscreen.
This is a view of the same crossing from the other direction. As you can see from above, maybe there should not be two crossings so close together, but that is a secondary issue to the one of providing a pedestrian refuge.
Can I tell you, dear reader, I'm currently being advised by Highways that in Houghton Regis the road is not too wide, and therefore people do not need a refuge. So why am I so passionately in favour of refuges?
Here's why. When I lived in Hemel Hempstead for over 30 years, the local zebra crossing in Queensway close to a roundabout, had a refuge and still has. A fairly narrow road, taking a significant amount of traffic, but IT HAS A REFUGE that
- gives pedestrians a safety zone if someone coming off the roundabout misses them,
- gives pedestrians confidence to cross.
- helps to reduce the chance of accidents.
Closer to home there are dozens of examples where central refuges are provided. Here's one in West Street Dunstable:
So, why can't we have central refuges, too, in Houghton Regis?
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Liberal Democrat Leaflet: Promises made, Promises kept | Action on Rat Run
Promises made, Promises kept | Action on Rat Run | Please for Winter Grit | High Street Works
Another Unpaid Week in Politics
I've had a number of meetings this week.
On Monday evening I took part in the full Houghton Regis Town Council Meeting. We heard that we had not got all the information we needed to set a budget for the town council yet, for April 2013 to March 2014. In the past the number of households on which to base Council Tax has included all those who did not pay council tax, but were in receipt of benefits. The government then guaranteed the collecting council, in our case Central Bedfordshire, the money. Now, the government is saying that the collecting council cannot include those households on benefits. Therefore, there is a shortfall of household numbers over which to spread the same total costs. In common with other councils, Central Bedfordshire have had to come up with their own scheme to decide how they will charge those households on benefits. In turn, for the coming year, CBC have calculated a bonus that Houghton Regis Town Council will get from its share of the money they hope to collect from those households on benefits, some of whom will be paying Council Tax for the first time (or not, if they decide putting food on the table is more important!) - The resulting gap on the Town Council's financing is that we'll have to put up our share of the Council Tax just to keep on with what we are paying for now. Then add inflationary costs, and it bumps up again. The next dilemma, is that there is no guarantee from CBC that they will give us this "bonus" next year, which could leave us with a gaping £90,000 hole in the budget for next year. Tomorrow night, we have to meet again to decide what our Town Council's share of the whole Council Tax pot will be.
On Tuesday I attended the Houghton Regis Memorial Hall's steering committee. The Hall was built out of fundraising in the fifties by people who wanted to leave a lasting legacy to the local people who died in World Wars. The Hall's funds are in a healthy state. We heard about the need for maintenance items like water pipes needing attention, flaking brickwork in parts, and discussed ways to keep cars off a pathway at the rear of the building. New fire doors are to be ordered up to replace a rotting framework and doors in poor condition. The insistence of the Performing Rights people that the Hall needs to pay for a licence to put music on rumbles on. The committee doesn't see why the Hall should pay for a licence as they don't play any music. People who book the hall pay for their own licences if they want music; why do Performing Rights insist on a douple dip? We meet again in 2 months time.
On Wednesday afternoon I had a two hour meeting with Nick Shaw from Central Bedfordshire Council's Travel Choices team. He gave me an overview of their remit and explained how some of the £4.9m is to be spent around Leighton Buzzard, Dunstable, and Houghton Regis. In return I gave him a list of things on my mind to do with Houghton Regis.The team have already done some work on Dog Kennel path and other parts of this route that form a part of a national cycle route. There is some potential news ahead in the form of a community bus. A wheels-to-work scheme is being run by Beds RCC - an example given was that someone was assisted back into the workplace by being provided with a scooter to get to Aylesbury for 6am. If anyone has ideas for improving routes to work, or otherwise improving walking and cycling routes, and provided the route is one that "Highways" would be responsible for, then Travel Choices might be able to help. Or drop me a note.
On Wednesday evening I had another meeting at the Town Council's offices. This time in private to meet with my colleagues to discuss our ideas on the Houghton Regis precept for the Council Tax. Debate and consensus reached.
On Friday I was amazed to see the roof was off a land-mark building in Houghton Regis town centre and wrote up this story. Some of my Facebook friends nearly had kittens when they read it. I understand from ward councillors, Susan Goodchild and David Jones that they have alerted the planning enforcement officers.
On Saturday morning I attended a 3 hour meeting of the Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service public forum in Brewers Hill Road, Dunstable. An insightful and well run meeting in which the options facing BFRS for their share of Council Tax were explained and considered. The government would permit a 1% increase in BFRS share of Council Tax, AND GIVE IT TO THEM FOR NO INCREASE TO THE COUNCIL TAX PAYER. Except the catch is, that if inflation runs at 3%, then by the end of the year their overhead costs will have increased, and they will then need to collect even more the following year to catch up. Perhaps it is better to collect 2% and pass that 2% increase to the tax payer. That way asking for another increase the next year will not need to be such a big jump. That was certainly what the majority of the public forum thought.
Have a go at these questions and write a quick answer down. Then check this link for the answer.
1. How many people per year die in fires in Bedfordshire ?
2. How much does it cost in labour to crew one fire engine for a year ?
3. What is the annual budget of BFRS ?
4. How much does BFRS cost a Band D property ?
And Finally ...
It was brass monkey weather down at "Great Crixsey Cow Common", the home of Dunstablians RFU, on Saturday afternoon. At least 3 degrees cooler than up in the town. At least the locals won!
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Busway Scheme - Park and Ride?
From the size of the platforms that have been built, I got the impression they were expecting a few dozen people to be waiting at any one time.
Workmen are installing rails on the roadway at that point on what would otherwise be a tarmacadamed road without those concrete guides. I asked a workman what the rails were needed for? (Not necessarily a good idea to ask a workman). He said it was to guide the buses so that when they pass they don't knock each other's wing mirrors. Not sure I entirely follow that one.
There is a distinct lack of park and ride incorporated into this scheme.
There is a distinct lack of park and ride incorporated into this scheme.
As for "car parking", I kept looking at the land between fencing on Dog Kennel Down, near those bus stops, and wondering about the prospect of using that for parking. It might be that drivers decide to drive down Blackburn Road, Houghton Regis, park up, and then get a bus from there into Luton for a train. That would clog up that particular road, nicely! And the businesses around there wouldn't be too happy about that.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Time For Some Action In Town !
I had a pop at an illegal fly-posted signing in Houghton Regis last week. But in our High Street area, there is a lot of neglect. I want a smarter-looking town. Am I wrong for wanting that?
Anyway, as any local councillor would do, I have made sure that all these things are reported to the relevant authority to sort out.
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Rusty Bin. Ok, well it's not looking very smart ,but it still holds litter. CBC 17/1/13: "Contracts Officer for that area to inspect and arrange replacement if appropriate. ref: 03229 |
This unused building is awaiting redevelopment. Meanwhile, it appears that someone has decided to elbow in some of the windows leaving jagged edges for anyone to cut their fingers on. Another nearby building has a broken window, and I drew the shopkeeper's attention to it. He said it was being fixed. |
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Alleyway: nearby has discarded bus stop pole/cycle sign. (cbc reference number for this issue is CRN 188426) |
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Same alleyway: cabinet needs attention. |
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... And if you're all in favour of mixing old and new architecture this is the latest view. Personally, I'm not that big a fan. By the way that yellow "M" arrow does not point to the car park! |
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No entry at all, at all. |
And while I'm at it, I might as well advertise that I'm trying to get at least some of the pathway between Bovis Homes site on the Houghton Regis Quarry, and the A5 near French's Avenue, reopened. Subject, of course to checks by CBC, and agreement from the developers. It seems somewhat feasible.
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Path: might be reopened. Needs some fencing removed and hardcore in the red area. |
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A to B might be reopened at Houghton Regis Quarry edge. |
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Bandit Gets 8 Years
For all the worry and concern this man has caused me in Parkside ward over the last year, I hope he steers well clear of the area after his EIGHT YEARS are up. I couldn't vouch for his safety in this neighbourhood if he ever ventured back.
"Mark Crawford, 25, of Eldon Road, Luton, carried out three robberies in Houghton Regis in April 2012, on each occasion armed with a fake gun or a knife.
During his trial in November, Luton Crown Court heard jury had heard how Crawford disguised himself with a bandana and sunglasses as he stole mobile phones and an iPod.
The offences took place in Parkside Drive on April 2, Sandringham Drive on April 28 and again in Parkside Drive on April 30.
Crawford had denied all of the charges but a jury found him guilty on November 13 and he was remanded in custody until yesterday’s sentencing.
Judge Philip Bartle QC sentenced him to three eight-year jail terms, to be served concurrently."
Source: Luton Today
"Mark Crawford, 25, of Eldon Road, Luton, carried out three robberies in Houghton Regis in April 2012, on each occasion armed with a fake gun or a knife.
During his trial in November, Luton Crown Court heard jury had heard how Crawford disguised himself with a bandana and sunglasses as he stole mobile phones and an iPod.
The offences took place in Parkside Drive on April 2, Sandringham Drive on April 28 and again in Parkside Drive on April 30.
Crawford had denied all of the charges but a jury found him guilty on November 13 and he was remanded in custody until yesterday’s sentencing.
Judge Philip Bartle QC sentenced him to three eight-year jail terms, to be served concurrently."
Source: Luton Today
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