Parkside Drive - To Connect or Not to Connect? That Is The Question.
24/01/2014Speakers against connection of Parkside Drive.
Yesterday, I attended the Open forum meeting of a series of hearings this week to do with the Woodside Connection, a proposed new road to link Woodside Industrial estate, Houghton Regis, to a point close to the to-be-constructed M1 junction 11a. Most of the people commenting on the day represented themselves as residents, and by and large, all focussed their concerns about the "optional" Parkside Drive link.
I spoke after most of the others had, and kept to a personal viewpoint. I said that I had moved to the area in 2006 and had considered moving to the Houghton Park estate but as a commuter had realised that would have created extra journey distance for me, and had instead moved to where I had now, saving myself a mile and a half travelling each day; the point is that other people who lived in further away roads like Conway Close, probably went through the same thought process when buying their properties, and despite the distance had still chosen to live where they did for other reasons - quietness, and green amenity spaces.
I pointed out that I ran blogs for the area, to inform people what was going on in the locality, and to find out what they thought of issues; I had not been aware of a great clamour of excitement at the prospect of Parkside Drive being connected to the new main road.
I pointed out that in my view, localism was about councils responding to what the people wanted. This scheme to connect Parkside Drive was a top-down approach from the (Central Bedfordshire) council. I had not been aware that any great number of people wanted the Parkside Drive connected, therefore was puzzled as to why the council wanted to spend money.
I also drew attention to the potential for crime; having Parkside Drive connected for a quick entry and exit to a major road and motorway could be an incentive for criminals to turn over a nearby house. And I expressed concerns that opening up the amenity land could encourage access for unwelcome encampments by gipsies and travellers, if there were no embankments landscaped into the scheme.
Maps: look up Parkside Drive, Houghton Regis.
Tags: Woodside Connection, A5505
Artwork Designing
16/01/2015'Woodside Link' will go through this scrubland between Sandringham Drive and Wheatfield Road. |
We were told that the scrub under the 'diamond shape' pylons east of the old Parkside Drive-Pastures Way bus link will not now be done in the first season; it will be left until 2016.
We were also told that it was not intended to remove all of that scrub, anyway, but rather to make a grass footway through it.
We did ask them about planting along the edge of the wall and they gave us their experts opinion that this might be difficult to achieve given the north facing wall, and limitation of water supply to roots, and so on.
The CBC commissioned artist explained her design for the the wall facing out onto Sandringham Drive. Colourful rectangular upright shapes of various heights would be painted onto the sides of the walls to break up the eye level; in addition the wall would project outwards at regular intervals. They showed us 3D cardboard samples of how that might appear, too, which was very helpful, but unfortunately this does not convey in a 2D picture. In addition, trees can be planted on the grass verge between road and cycle paths, further reducing the impact of the wall. They have pointed out that planting is due to go on the land between the new road and Frogmore Rd, and the foraging and other plants will get some public participation, as will the proposed design for the roadside of the fencing.
The artist commissioned by CBC who came up with the acoustic sound wave on the inner side of the route fence explained how it would work. People would be able to download an app to convert the painted blue sound bars into noise.
After answering my questions on practicality, and road safety, I expressed reservations, but ultimately I think they will do it anyway. The choice of what sort of noise is to be worked out, possibly with some community involvement.
We were told that they would work with the community to put in planting (foraging, if that is what is wanted) in the community gardens south of Frogmore Rd.
I again suggested that CBC should set up a Facebook Page specifically to convey news of Woodside Link progress. This was on the basis that when Poynters Rd was closed for 11 weeks a couple of years ago, a specific FB page was set up for that, and this seemed to work quite well, with local residents being able to quickly find the information they want, and able to report the things they were unhappy with.
On The Route Of The #WoodsideLink Part 1: December 2014
07/02/2015![]() |
Shrubbery between Frogmore Road and Wheatfield Rd. The new road will carve right through this.
View from Wheatfield Rd. From this viewpoint, looking north east, a new access road will come from Wheatfield Rd to connect to the new road.
Same viewpoint as the last picture, looking north west.
An animal track leads approximately east away from the main dirt footpath between Frogmore and Wheatfield Roads. The new road will go here.
Tarmacced path between Frogmore and Wheatfield Rd. The new road will dissect this path. A pelican crossing is to be constructed.
From the tarmacced path (above) take the dirt path approximately east, through the woodland. As I started off through this, I espied the distinctive brown feet of a fox.
Continuing through the woodland I came across signs of feral human activity.
The fox was too quick for my noisy footsteps.
![]() While a swathe will be cut through this woodland by the new road, some of it will remain. ![]() More of that dense stuff.Habitat, of course for wildlife. ![]() ![]() Who knows what secrets lie in yonder wood? ![]() Rotting tree branches; insects to thrive upon. ![]() Emerging from the wood, the first glimpse of Houghton Brook. The brook will be re-routed for the new road. ![]() Looking east. The lampost is on the old bus link between Pastures Way and Parkside Drive. ![]() Looking north, the present Houghton Brook bridge over the bus link road between Pastures Way and Parkside Drive. ![]() Looking east from the old bus link road, works have begun for the new road. ![]() The Houghton Brook has been cleared along its sides, but hooligans will be hooligans. ![]() Rubbish was dumped near to the side of the old bus link road. ![]() Rubbish was dumped near to side of the old bus link road. ![]() View south down the old bus link road. Some of this is due to be retained as a cycle path. ![]() View west from the old bus link road. The new road will feature in this landscape, but the trees and grassland on the right will largely be retained and managed as an open space. ![]() View north-west from the old bus link road. This view will largely be unaffected. ![]() View north, up the old bus link road. The hedgerow is due to be retained. ![]() View south, down the old bus link road. The new road will connect to Parkside Drive two thirds up the height of this picture. ![]() View west from the old bus link road. The new road will be very visible in the area of this picture. ![]() Current view east towards M1 from the old bus link road. ![]() Slightly more to the right of the previous view, the hedge on the right being by the side of the Houghton Brook. ![]() Some views of Chalton Cross farm. The cream-coloured house will be saved, but the largest sheds to the right of the lower right image are right in the path of the planned route taking traffic to the M1 motorway! ![]() Some more views of Chalton Cross farm. The lower right image is actually going to be the new slip road from the M1 motorway northbound. |
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On The Route Of The #WoodsideLink Part 2: February 2015
22/02/2015![]() |
Fencing to keep the public off the roadway during construction. Tarmacced path between Frogmore and Wheatfield Rd. The new road will dissect this path. A pelican crossing is to be constructed.
![]() Cleared for the new road. ![]() Scrub. ![]() Fenced. To keep public off the roadworks. ![]() Towards Frogmore Rd. ![]() Towards Sandringham Drive ![]() Towards Frogmore Road ![]() Towards Sandringham Drive ![]() Towards Windsor Drive ![]() Towards Sandringham Drive ![]() West from bus link ![]() The diamond shape pylon area by Parkside Drive disused bus link carries the 132kV cables which will be moved underground (work in progress) and when this has been completed the diamond towers will be removed. Expected to be completed by early 2016. |
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Houghton Brook Blocked Up By Debris As Woodside Link is Constructed
Central Beds Council are the responsible authority for keeping Houghton Brook free of debris, but my random visit to the brook last weekend showed the stream in a sorry state. That wheelie bin has been there for months, unless of course, it's another one.
The second and third pictures are of a fenced area, intended to trap voles so they can be safely moved away from the area, but from the look of the fencing in the 3rd picture, it has come unstapled from the fencing support, and the voles could easily get out or in through that gap.
As workers move around the area while the Woodside Link is constructed, people jump the stream, breaking down the embankments, giving further cause for concern.
But clearly, DAILY INSPECTIONS, are not being done very diligently, are they, Mr Dobson of Central Bedfordshire Council?
From: Howard DobsonSent: Friday, May 15, 2015 5:29 PMTo:Subject: Your enquiries
Hello again [name dedacted]
Thank you for your recent mails.
As you know we’re about to start the construction phase of the Woodside Link. Before that starts the current gang is carrying out daily inspections of everything on site. Balfour Beatty will then take over duties. Note that one of the first tasks Balfour Beatty will complete is the fencing of the site – which should limit instances of vandalism. Balfour Beatty have also subscribed the Woodside Link site to the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which means they are aiming at standards higher than statutory levels. See for more details on that. Please note that the Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) will be available in due course when it has been compiled.
With best regards, Howard
From: Howard Dobson
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 5:29 PM
Subject: Your enquiries
Hello again [name dedacted]
Thank you for your recent mails.
As you know we’re about to start the construction phase of the Woodside Link. Before that starts the current gang is carrying out daily inspections of everything on site. Balfour Beatty will then take over duties. Note that one of the first tasks Balfour Beatty will complete is the fencing of the site – which should limit instances of vandalism. Balfour Beatty have also subscribed the Woodside Link site to the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which means they are aiming at standards higher than statutory levels. See for more details on that. Please note that the Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) will be available in due course when it has been compiled.
With best regards, Howard
Houghton Brook Blockages
Another of my random checks. They told me they were checking the brook daily. I don't think so. And the wheelie bin (or another one) are now further down the stream. Houghton Brook on the path of the Woodside Link.
Click Here for More Houghton Regis Notes
Houghton Regis Roundabout Reconstruction Oct 2016
October 2016Work began in earnest to rebuild the roundabout guarding the southern entrance into Houghton Regis on Saturday morning 22/10/2016
A series of 9 cement trucks queued up to deposit their first few loads that helped to raise the levels on the southern side. By Saturday, 29th, they were laying some of the final tarmac layers, and on Sunday 30th Oct all that remained to be done was the white-lining and some tarmac up to Wheatfield Rd. During the nine-day closure, a team of 25 workers used 300 cubic metres of concrete and 2,000 tonnes of tarmac to reshape the roundabout so it connects properly with the Woodside Link road.
A pedestrian route was available close to the roundabout starting on the West side of Park Rd North, and going round to Poynters Rd and Wheatfield Rd.
The "A" bus service into Dunstable, Stanton Rd (for a 700m walk to the hospital), Luton, and Luton Airport was extended to loop down Parkside Drive, Park Rd North, Sandringham Drive, Windsor Drive.
Now completed, Wheatfield Road is a cul-de-sac, with access via a new junction onto the Woodside Link. The new roundabout is to be completely re-landscaped with new shrubs, bulb planting, four trees and grass.
For more information and answers to questions:
Photos: Alan Winter. Click to enlarge.
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Woodside Link / HRN2 2017-05-05
Woodside Link: Wild Flowers
There's a riot of colour on the verges around the A5505 Houghton Regis-Chalton Road, known locally as the Woodside Link.
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