Search Houghton Regis Notes

Saturday 8 November 2014

Parkside trees | Kirton Way concrete

In July and August, I provided Central Bedfordshire Council with a "tip of the iceberg" report on the state of overgrown trees in Parkside. I am still waiting to hear what they will actually do about them, apart from passing the baton to someone else to look into.

Back in April the Town Partnership, a joint committee of Town and Central Bedfordshire Councillors and officers from both, met to decide a way forward to removing a pile of concrete from Kirton Way. I am still waiting to hear when and if any action will actually take place.

I have not had any news on any schedule of works to remedy the works in the High Street. We were informed in the summer that the rectification bill would be met by the private supermarket developers, although the work would be carried out by Amey.

On 15th July I presented a petition to CBC  requesting that provision be made for a social club within the redeveloped Co-op site on Houghton Regis High Street. Senior CBC councillor Nigel Young delegated an officer to liaise with myself, the club chairman and the two CBC ward councillors. To date all I've been told is that negotiations on the site are confidential.

I have had CBC officers investigate three eyesore garages in Newbury Road. This has resulted in enforcement notices, and the area being made more respectable, although it needs constant monitoring.

23/7/2014 - I've been asked by residents to see what can be done about these three garages in Newbury Rd. This is being pursued by the ASB & Statutory Nuisance Team responsible for Community Safety at Central Bedfordshire Council.

The main problem is tracking down the owners, as some are privately owned, and others may be housing associations. I'm told that two owners have been tracked down and asked to clear up and make it secure or they could face penalties. The third owner is still being sought.

The problem of parking near the Parkside Neighbourhood Centre has been investigated. Housing and Highways officers from CBC have advised me, and I have seen residents involved. Let's hope the residents understand each other now.

Last year I highlighted the problem of empty garages in the ownership of CBC . I was told in a Freedom of Information request that Central Bedfordshire Council owned  1,016 garages in Houghton Regis, of which 565 of them were boarded up, and apparently a waiting list of only 25. A wasting asset in my view. Action seems to be nearing some conclusion as I understand that CBC are working up a couple of schemes to redevelop one of two garage blocks in the Tithe Farm area, although not in Parkside, just yet.

Application to build one-bedroom flats on the old Dog & Duck car park - the outcome of this is awaited with interest. My objections were largely based on poor security provisions for the site, such as leaving proposed bike cupboards exposed to a public car park.

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