Search Houghton Regis Notes

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Houghton Regis Cemetery: Charges Under Review (2014)

  • Houghton Regis Town Council meet tonight to review various charges, including burial costs at their cemetery on Cemetery Road. Should the charges be left as they are, increased by the rate of inflation, or brought into line with charges made by bigger local authorities?

I've just done some research, and although Houghton Regis charges very fairly as compared to similar small towns in Central Bedfordshire, the cost of looking after graves over many years is never really met. Crematoriums are run at a profit, and graves at a loss. Farmers are no longer giving away land as a favour for a cemetery, preferring to sell it to developers for new housing. The value of any land a town council has, has to be carefully weighed up. It won't last forever.

The Town Council are currently looking into the prospect of converting a recreation ground (WITH  COVENANTS ON IT, ONE THAT RESTRICTS ITS USE TO "OPEN SPACE FOR RECREATIONAL USE") into a cemetery that might last them 40 years. Well, what happens after the 40 years are up? What playing field comes under scrutiny next?

The land use might be spun out a bit further by building mausoleums, and charging high fees for vaults (prices up to £37,000 at Bedford Borough Council), but in the meantime, more should be done to dissuade burials, and encourage cremations.

Sample fees (sourced Nov 2014) :

Exclusive Right of Burial (Adult) cost to authority residents 75 years except where stated):

£954 East Finchley  (+50% for advanced reserve)

£893 Mill Hill  (+50% for advanced reserve)

£860 Watford (50 years)

£675 Luton

£561 Bedford

£469 Stevenage

£260 Toddington

£236 Houghton Regis

£220 Edlesborough (50 years, includes interment)

£205 Flitwick

£160 Biggleswade (100 years)

After the burial right, the cost of Interment in a grave:

£620 Luton

£619 Bedford (with other options up to £37,447)

£552 East Finchley / Mill Hill

£450 Watford

£262 Flitwick

£248 Stevenage

£200 Biggleswade

£163 Toddington

£110 Houghton Regis

Permit for headstone:

£212 Bedford

£170 Stevenage

£150 Toddington

£84 East Finchley / Mill Hill

£64 Flitwick

£45 Edlesborough

£43 Houghton Regis

£40 Biggleswade

* Footnote: since writing this, the committee agreed to increase the fees in Houghton Regis by 5% rather than the 3% in-line with inflation suggested by officers. Luton's fees are due to rise again in January 2015. For the record, when the covenants on Orchard Close came to light, this changed everything for me. I do not support Orchard Close being used as a cemetery.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Houghton Brook - Lilly Lane

I took a number of pictures of Houghton Brook yesterday afternoon alongside the path between the cricket pavilion and Park Road North. Historically this route is known as Lilly Lane.

The Houghton Brook starts behind the Pavilion on Houghton Regis Village Green and wends eastward. It is claimed as the source of the River Lea.  Sustrans National Cycle path N0. 6. runs alongside the Brook through Houghton Regis. The waters easily collect debris from small fallen branches between the Green and across to Parkside. And then there are people who don't care and throw things into it.

My contact at the Environment Agency(EA) has now promised me that he "will get one of our Operations gangs to come and clear the brook. I will try and get this done ASAP."

The EA will attend to calls made to their incident number (0800 80 70 60 ) by members of the public reporting obstruction/blockages such as fallen trees. They don’t own Houghton Brook and have no legal responsibility to carry out any work on it. Maintenance of the brook is the responsibility of the land or riparian owner. The EA carry out maintenance works on the brook for flood defence purposes using powers granted to them by Government.

The EA have a brochure "Living on the Edge". If you own land or property next to a river, stream or ditch you are a ‘riparian landowner’ and this guide is for you. It has been updated with new information on who to contact for guidance on watercourses.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Parkside trees | Kirton Way concrete

In July and August, I provided Central Bedfordshire Council with a "tip of the iceberg" report on the state of overgrown trees in Parkside. I am still waiting to hear what they will actually do about them, apart from passing the baton to someone else to look into.

Back in April the Town Partnership, a joint committee of Town and Central Bedfordshire Councillors and officers from both, met to decide a way forward to removing a pile of concrete from Kirton Way. I am still waiting to hear when and if any action will actually take place.

I have not had any news on any schedule of works to remedy the works in the High Street. We were informed in the summer that the rectification bill would be met by the private supermarket developers, although the work would be carried out by Amey.

On 15th July I presented a petition to CBC  requesting that provision be made for a social club within the redeveloped Co-op site on Houghton Regis High Street. Senior CBC councillor Nigel Young delegated an officer to liaise with myself, the club chairman and the two CBC ward councillors. To date all I've been told is that negotiations on the site are confidential.

I have had CBC officers investigate three eyesore garages in Newbury Road. This has resulted in enforcement notices, and the area being made more respectable, although it needs constant monitoring.

23/7/2014 - I've been asked by residents to see what can be done about these three garages in Newbury Rd. This is being pursued by the ASB & Statutory Nuisance Team responsible for Community Safety at Central Bedfordshire Council.

The main problem is tracking down the owners, as some are privately owned, and others may be housing associations. I'm told that two owners have been tracked down and asked to clear up and make it secure or they could face penalties. The third owner is still being sought.

The problem of parking near the Parkside Neighbourhood Centre has been investigated. Housing and Highways officers from CBC have advised me, and I have seen residents involved. Let's hope the residents understand each other now.

Last year I highlighted the problem of empty garages in the ownership of CBC . I was told in a Freedom of Information request that Central Bedfordshire Council owned  1,016 garages in Houghton Regis, of which 565 of them were boarded up, and apparently a waiting list of only 25. A wasting asset in my view. Action seems to be nearing some conclusion as I understand that CBC are working up a couple of schemes to redevelop one of two garage blocks in the Tithe Farm area, although not in Parkside, just yet.

Application to build one-bedroom flats on the old Dog & Duck car park - the outcome of this is awaited with interest. My objections were largely based on poor security provisions for the site, such as leaving proposed bike cupboards exposed to a public car park.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Basic Councillor Allowance Discussion (2014)


  • Houghton Regis Town Council has agreed not to pay any councillor allowances.

What allowances can be paid?

In summary, the allowances which are or may be payable to members of local authorities are as follows: basic allowance, special responsibility allowance, dependants’ carers’ allowance, travelling and subsistence allowance. 

EIM65960 - Local Government Councillors and civic dignitaries in England: ODPM guidance: Part One: members' allowances. Employment Income Manual  LINK to

Here's what various councils pay out in 2014:


"A Parish Basic Allowance shall be paid to each councillor. This sum will be equal to 20% 

of the basic allowance paid to members of the West Dorset District Council and, in the year 

ending 31 March 2012 will be £978. "


"The Panel accept that a rate of pay similar to that

applied in the Bolsover Scheme based on a rate of £12.80 per hour

was appropriate.

(iv) Using the above factors the Panel was able to calculate the basic

allowance as follows:

- 10 hours per month = 120 hours per year

- 120 hours x £12.80 = £1536.5

- 90% deduction to account for the voluntary nature of the role =

£154 p.a

original link:





The Parish Remuneration Panel (PRP) recommends that for Parish and 

Town Councils which choose to pay a Parish Basic Allowance the level of 

such allowance should be set at £30.00 per annum and the Chairman’s allowance be set at £60.00 per annum.


 from 17th May 2011 until the 31st March 2012

 The amount of the Parish basic allowance payable to each Parish Councillor shall be £430 per annum.


UPLYME PARISH COUNCIL – Payment of expenses to Council members

At the meeting on 10/11/2010, the Parish Basic Allowance was set at £50 per annum.

Upper Beeding Parish Council

Date: 4th November 2003

That all Parish Councillors be entitled to receive a basic allowance of not

exceeding £250 per annum (being 9.4% of the District Councillors’ basic




MARCH 2010 


"recommends that all Town/Parish Councillors should be entitled to 

receive a parish basic allowance which should not exceed £487 per 

annum. The Panel is required by Regulation 29(2) to express this 

figure as a percentage of the District Council’s Members’ Basic 

Allowance. This equates to 10%. "





Great Wakering Parish Council 

Recommendations: Basic allowance - £567 per annum

Hockley Parish Council 

Recommendations: Basic Allowance – 30% of the Rochford District Council basic allowance, which equates to £1,275 per annum, to recognise the achievement of Quality Parish status. 

Rayleigh Town Council

Recommendations: Basic allowance – 30% of the Rochford District Council basic allowance, which equates to £1,275 per annum, to recognise the achievement of Quality Parish status. 

Rochford Parish Council 

Recommendations: Basic allowance – £350 per annum

Brixham Town Council

effect from 20 July 2007 to 31 March 2008

Scheme for each year a basic allowance of £241 shall be paid to each councillor.

Cuxton Parish Council 

has set the allowance at £88.71 per annum.

October 2008

Sleaford Town Council  (2007)

 10% of District Council Basic Allowance, i.e. the sum of £408 per year

Brymton Parish Council (2005) 

£100 per Councillor.

Crowborough Town Council  

2014/2015 Basic Allowance £1200


Panel recommendation 15% of the Borough Council’s basic Allowance (namely £700)